Saturday, April 30, 2016

Reminder: SKYWARN - StormSpotter nets

Thanks to all who participated in their LOCAL Skywarn nets this week.  You are all helping make amateur radio shine.

As a reminder, Mark, N7XYO mentioned the importance of getting Skywarn net reports to your section leadership.  Thanks to those nets who submitted their report in a timely manner.

The reminder is copied below:

Reminder it's VERY important to send a net report after every net, including  SKYWARN - Storm Spotter nets. 

Net reports are very important information that the ARRL compiles and this data is useful in the battle against all that wish to rob Radio Amateurs and our community of our use of these bands.  Please report.

Here is the information on how & to whom to send net reports to for the Oklahoma section.

Please after any net in which you are Net Contol Station/Operator (NCS), please sent a short net report.

Here's how to and to whom: (see sample report at bottom of this e-mail)

First - Cut and Paste the following list of e-mail addressed into a e-mail:,,

Second - Send a brief summary of the net activity:

Net's Name:   (i.e. Smallville Weather SKWARN)
Net's Location:  (i.e. NWS Smallville, OK)
Agencies Served:  (i.e. NWS or Smallville EM)
NCS's info (Name, Call, Phone Number)
Net Start Time - Net End Time
Freq. of Net: 
Number of total check-ins:
Any comments: (i.e. 3 Tornados reported, damage reports taken by Smallville EOC on 146.940 etc.)

Note we do NOT need the traffic logs from these Nets... this short report will provided the information needed.

Please that the short few minutes and send in a report.

Thank you for your service,

73 Mark Conklin, N7XYO
Section Emergency Coordinator
ARES Oklahoma

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