Saturday, June 1, 2024

SM045 - Field Day is Coming

Here comes the Amateur Radio Superbowl! This year, the weekend will be June 22-23, 2024. Field Day is where tens of thousands of amateur radio operators get on the air to test their emergency operation abilities. It’s also a great place to teach or learn about amateur radio modes that you may not have tried. “Bring someone to Field Day” this year and share your passion. More information about ARRL’s Field Day is available online at You can also find a local Field Day on the ARRL site by logging in and visiting Publicize your local Field Day site by adding a station at, and you’ll be on your way!

ARRL Digital Systems

In case you’re concerned about the digital outage at ARRL-land, there’s some background at Systems are starting to come back online. The phone system was restored last week, W1AW started automated operations, ARRL store orders started shipping last week, ARRL FCC tests were uploaded last week, and the site came back online for the upcoming VHF contest and the ARRL International Digital Contest (others to be backfilled.) Logbook of The World (LoTW) and the learning site are still offline.

Ham Holiday – Oklahoma City – July 26-27

The 2024 Hamfest season is in full swing. The Oklahoma City Hamfest, Ham Holiday, will be July 26-27, 2024. Tickets are available online at Don’t forget this year’s special Yaesu FTDX10 Operating Package. Everything you need to operate on phone, CW, and digital (except a computer<G>.) Tickets are only $20, and only 300 will be sold. Buy yours today at

ARES Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is rolling through another storm season. More information is available online at Log in and verify your contact information and training profile by clicking on your name in the upper right. ECs, you now have a way to download your county data in a CSV file from the reports menu.

de N5HZR — 73, Mark

Friday, May 24, 2024

SM044 – ARRL Digital Infrastructure Issues

You may have heard of some issues the ARRL has with its digital network infrastructure. This message won’t contain any new information, however, based on the public reports provided on, I will try to summarize what’s out there. You may know my training and forty years of “day jobs” are in Computer Science and IT Management. I’ve seen many of these situations and found that these are typically temporary issues. Let’s call them digital speedbumps. Just like driving through a suburban street with physical speed bumps, going too fast can cause additional problems when encountering the next bump.

From the ARRL disruption page, I know this is a network-related computer system outage. While the IT Manager in me wants to see how this started and what devices are involved, none of that matters to those on the outside. I also read that the Logbook Of The World database is secure but offline. That’s good news for the “big picture” of us external users. The ARRL Learning Center is also offline. There isn’t any status update on that system. Finally, they have asserted that no personally identifiable information (PII) is stored on-site. Should any information have been shared with external sources, we would be comfortable knowing any PII would haunt this issue. Job 1 for this rebuild is to find, obtain, and verify the required user and system data. Fortunately, the website is fully functional.

While there may be structured locations like file servers and databases where users should store their data, most users have bad habits of storing information on their local systems. Sorting through all of these storage locations can complicate any recovery. Then, the old infrastructure must be “burned down” and rebuilt. In today’s modern society, much information is required to run the world. Remember that this is a business, and things like payroll, banking, and accounts payable must start back up quickly so employees and vendors get paid.

These events highlight the need for a business continuity plan for your business and even your personal information. Should something like this happen at your house, would your information be retrievable? Are your QSO logs (and other vital data) stored safely and off-site?

The ARRL has a web page dedicated to this situation. As time passes, you should see additional updates here: Remember that discussions may be limited due to “bad-guy awareness,” future prosecution, or lack of new information.

Rest assured, your Oklahoma and Texas Section Managers and the West Gulf Division Directors are as engaged as we can be. If you are not in Oklahoma or Texas, please contact your Division Directors to ensure they are working to mitigate this issue.

This is a reminder that “When all else fails, amateur radio is there.” We are 160,000 hams that are still connected by the ionosphere. Grab your microphone, CW key, or FT8 mouse, and get on the air. (Hang on to your QSO logs and update them when the dust settles.)

Friday, January 5, 2024

SM043 - Checotah Hamfest Saturday

Checotah Hamfest

Crossroads Amateur Radio Club (CARC) presents:

2024 CARC Ham Fest

The Checotah, OK hamfest is scheduled for Saturday, January 6, 2024. The doors will be open from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Start your year off right at the CARC Ham Fest

This year’s hamfest will be held at the Granite Station Covenant Church – 1128 White Stag Ave –  Checotah, OK 74426. Directions here

  • $10 at the door includes one door prize entry.
  • Extra door prize entries are available for $2 each or 6 for $10.
  • $20 vendor tables also include one door entry.
  • $15 individual tables.

Preorder your table/tickets at


10:00 Oklahoma Link & Wires-X AE5ME

11:00 ARRL N5HZR ARRL Oklahoma Section Manager

See you there! 

News from the American Radio Relay League