Saturday, January 31, 2015

Look what the Tulsa Community College club is doing!

New officers are:

President: Bobby Larson – KF5SYP

VP: Travis Moore – KF5NTV

Tulsa Community College Amateur Radio Club (ARC) started as an Electronics Club in the early 1980’s and amateur radio was added in 2001. In 2005 we became a ARRL affiliated ARC. Anyone wishing to participate is welcome to join us on the 2nd Monday or Tuesday of the month. 

Again this year, the TCC-ARC and W5YI group held two testing sessions at the NE campus. Congratulations to the 21 people below who earned their Amateur Radio License this past year: 

Wren Tottress, KF5SYO Ron Wayland, KF5ZGS

Bobby Larson, KF5SYP Michelle Cunningham, KF5ZGT

Derek Brannon, KF5ZGJ Cynthia Reinhardt, KF5ZGU

Chris Bennett, KF5ZGK James Erb, KG5EWK

Jacob Keltner, KF5ZGL Amber Pogue, KG5EWL

Joseph Sosnowski, KF5ZGM Shane Jones, KG5EWM

Richard Rowe, KF5ZGN Jared Cavin, KG5EWN

Robert McGee, KF5ZGO Wanda Knight, KG5EWO

Peter McDaniel, KF5ZGP Scott Mercer, KG5EWP

Ramiro Castaneda, KF5ZGQ Russell

Justin Espinales, KF5ZGR

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

FLDIGI training offered #ARRL #hamradio

Thanks to Jeff Scoville AE5ME, there will be FLDIGI training February 7 from noon to 6 p.m. at the Oklahoma City Police and Fire Academy850 North Portland Avenue.

The training is free and is sponsored by the Tulsa Digital Radio Club.

"Fldigi is a computer program intended for Amateur Radio Digital Modes operation using a PC (Personal Computer). Fldigi operates (as does most similar software) in conjunction with a conventional High Frequency Single Sideband radio transceiver, and uses the PC sound card as the main means of input from the radio, and output to the radio. These are audio-frequency signals. The software also controls the radio by means of another connection, typically a serial port."

No pre-registration is required.  If you have a laptop computer available to bring, it will help you to actually do the training "hands on" as it is presented during the session.  If you do not have a laptop, we will have some laptops with us to allow participants to do the same.

According to Stan Bradley, KS5B, the training will also be available through the services of the Tuttle First Baptist Church.  "Look for the FLDIGI icon after connecting"

For more information, one may contact Jeff, AE5ME regarding FLDIGI and Stan, KS5B regarding the training feed.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

News on the Official Observer front #ARRL #hamradio

As we begin a new year let, me thank everyone who is part of the OO program and the ones who have joined us recently for your willingness and efforts to help with maintaining the high standards of our hobby.  As you know we have the amateurs who inadvertently commit an infraction and are grateful to be reminded of their shortcoming by a fellow ham and then we have the other type who are persistent in causing interference and problems whenever they can, thankfully they are a very small minority but often get a lot of attention. 

We have just completed a year of greatly increased activity on the bands due in a large part by the Centennial year W1AW/# special event stations and the use of the special W100AW callsign here at headquarters.  Both certainly caused a lot of hams to get active on the air and make contacts to take part in a once in a life time opportunity.  By and large, the activities went smoothly with only occasionally complaints about one issue or another.  Thanks to the OOs who helped point out problems before they became more serious.

The FCC has added a new way to send in complaints via e-mail with this link. .  The 888 Call FCC (888-225-5322) is still in use as well.

This recent follow up by the FCC was just covered on our web page.  FCC Fines Pennsylvania Ham $11,500 for Causing Intentional Interference

Complaints continue about a well known amateur often heard calling CQ on 28425.

An Ohio amateur reported and documented unlicensed activity on 10 meters, the information was forwarded to the FCC.

Several complaints were received regarding the WARFA net on 3908, the FCC is continuing to work on this.

A number of reports were received regarding an unidentified signal on the 160 meter band in the northeast, sounding much like CODAR.  Later investigation by K1DG revealed it is a high-frequency surface-wave radar (HFSWR) system, developed by Raytheon Canada for the Canadian military. The present system has been detected at 1915, 3250, 4400, and 5300 kHz.  It is located near Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The frequency band 1850-2000 is a shared allocation in Canada, among amateur, radionavigation, and radiolocation services.  1915 kHz is not the primary operating frequency for the system, one report indicated it was being tested on 1915. The higher frequencies generally work better for the intended purpose.  It was thought it would move off the frequency after testing.

Complaints continue about operation on 7185, documentation has been received demonstrating the activities there.

The Kentucky OOC was alerted to a complaint about operation on 28.385 and it was being checked out.

The Nebraska OOC and OOs continue checking out operation on a 2 meter repeater.

An amateur from Georgia contacted us about an on-going interference problem on 75 meters, as a result of discussing this with the OOC there, he is in the process of becoming an OO!

The infamous 147.4350 MHz Los Angeles Repeater was the subject of several complaints this month.

The Eastern Pennsylvania OOC has been alerted to a complaint from a neighbor of an amateur who evidently has caused a great deal of interference and is not cooperative.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Oklahoma Section meets with @OKEM

According to Section Emergency Coordinator Mark Conklin, N7XYO, State Emergency Management is investigating High Frequency communications capabilities from the State Emergency Operations Center.

"ODEM would like to add to their resources HF radio equipment in the amateur bands as well as developed a trained team of licensed radio operators," he said.

This is an exciting opportunity to engage our Amateur Radio Emergency Service personnel.

Please stay tuned for additional information.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hamvention rumors laid to rest?

Every year about this time, the rumors start about Hamvention and Hara Arena. This year the Dayton media contributed to the interest by carrying stories about Hara ownership issues.  I won't go into any of those articles since they have minimal effect on Hamvention 2015.  Here is what we know.

Hamvention 2015 will come off at Hara Arena as usual starting May 15. The Hamvention committee has been meeting monthly since September and plans are in place for making this year's event an enjoyable experience for our guests.

We have significantly updated our website. Any process that makes major changes can have errors creep in. If you spot an issue with the website in general, please send a message detailing the problem to  If you have specific problems with orders, then send details to the appropriate committee,, or

Many questions about parking, renting scooters, etc. can be answered by visiting If you are unable to locate what you need, please contact

Addressing your specific questions to the right people will generally get you quicker results. If you want suggestions from past attendees on what to expect, where to stay, etc. or have general questions that others might also have, feel free to post those to the group. If you are looking for a ride or would welcome riders to share the fuel costs, post your request here. We want this group to serve as a meeting place for those interested in Hamvention. We don't want it to become cluttered with "Where are my tickets?" and similar requests.

Thanks for your help. Hamvention wouldn't exist without its vendors and its guests.

73, Henry W8HJR

Monday, January 12, 2015

Oklahoma legislation may impact #hamradio #ARRL

Your Section Public Information Coordinator, who also serves as a legislative
liason, sent this report:

Thanks Michael, K5MFD:

The new legislative session opens this week and at this point there are two bills, one in the house and one in the senate that may impact use of our radios in our vehicles.

House Bill 1009 introduced by Rep. David Perryman, D-Chickasha, is the anti-texting bill.  It only would make it unlawful for anyone driving on a public street or highway in this state to use a cellular telephone or other electronic communication device to “compose, send or read a text-based communication while the motor vehicle is in motion.” The bill defines a text message to include “a text-based message, instant message, electronic message or electronic mail.”  This bill is the one Oklahoma American Automobile Association (AAA) supports.

I have spoken the Chuck Mai, Public Affairs and Marketing Director for Oklahoma AAA, and he understands our need to be able to use our radios in our vehicles.  He told me that if the Oklahoma amateur radio community will support this bill, he will do everything he can to insure that it does not impact our hobby and the emergency communications we provide.

The other bill is Senate Bill 67 introduced by Sen. Ron Sharp, R-Shawnee.  This bill would negatively impact our ability to drive and communicate via our ham radios.  Specifically in part it reads:

“The operator of every vehicle, while driving, shall devote their his
or her full time and attention to such driving. An operator of a vehicle
cannot be communicating with a handheld electronic device, either
verbally or by typing an email or text during the physical operation of
a motor vehicle.
No law enforcement officer shall issue a citation under this section
unless the law enforcement officer observes that the operator of the
vehicle is involved in an accident or observes the operator of the
vehicle driving in such a manner that poses an articulable danger to
other persons on the roadway that is not otherwise specified in
B. The fine for violating the provisions of subsection A of this
section shall not exceed the statutory penalty of a misdemeanor.
SECTION 2. This act shall become effective November 1, 2015.”

Rep. Perryman has indicated he may co-sponsor Senator Sharp’s bill or sign on to it as a house sponsor.

We will continue to work with AAA to insure we are impacted by this legislation.  Additionally, I have ask my contacts at the Department of Public Safety if they have any numbers of driver distracted accidents involving amateur radio.  I doubt there are any.  And if that is the case, we may meet with the two legislators to gain an exception to our
use of our radio in our vehicles.

Thank you, again, Michael, for this report.  The League is aware of this issue and uses to monitor this and other legislation impacting our hobby.

Your section leadership will make you aware of changes in the bills and advise you of action you may wish to take.


Lloyd, KC5FM

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

W1AW 2015 Winter Operating Schedule

Morning Schedule:

Time                  Mode     Days
-------------------   ----     ---------
1400 UTC (9 AM EST)   CWs      Wed, Fri
1400 UTC (9 AM EST)   CWf      Tue, Thu

Daily Visitor Operating Hours:

1500 UTC to 1700 UTC - (10 AM to 12 PM EST)
1800 UTC to 2045 UTC - (1 PM to 3:45 PM EST)

(Station closed 1700 to 1800 UTC (12 PM to 1 PM EST))

Afternoon/Evening Schedule:

2100 UTC (4 PM EST)    CWf      Mon, Wed, Fri
2100  "      "         CWs      Tue, Thu
2200  "  (5 PM EST)    CWb      Daily
2300  "  (6 PM EST)    DIGITAL  Daily
0000  "  (7 PM EST)    CWs      Mon, Wed, Fri
0000  "      "         CWf      Tue, Thu
0100  "  (8 PM EST)    CWb      Daily
0200  "  (9 PM EST)    DIGITAL  Daily
0245  "  (9:45 PM EST) VOICE    Daily
0300  "  (10 PM EST)   CWf      Mon, Wed, Fri
0300  "      "         CWs      Tue, Thu
0400  "  (11 PM EST)   CWb      Daily

                         Frequencies (MHz)
CW:    1.8025 3.5815 7.0475 14.0475 18.0975 21.0675  28.0675 147.555
DIGITAL:  -   3.5975 7.095  14.095  18.1025 21.095   28.095  147.555
VOICE:  1.855 3.990  7.290  14.290  18.160  21.390   28.590  147.555


CWs = Morse Code practice (slow) = 5, 7.5, 10, 13 and 15 WPM
CWf = Morse Code practice (fast) = 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 13 and 10 WPM
CWb = Morse Code Bulletins = 18 WPM

CW frequencies include code practices, Qualifying Runs and CW

DIGITAL = BAUDOT (45.45 baud), BPSK31 and MFSK16 in a revolving

Code practice texts are from QST, and the source of each practice is
given at the beginning of each practice and at the beginning of
alternate speeds.

On Tuesdays and Fridays at 2330 UTC (6:30 PM EST), Keplerian
Elements for active amateur satellites are sent on the regular
digital frequencies.

A DX bulletin replaces or is added to the regular bulletins between
0100 UTC (8 PM EST) Thursdays and 0100 UTC (8 PM EST) Fridays.

Audio from W1AW's CW code practices, CW/digital bulletins and phone
bulletin is available using EchoLink via the W1AW Conference Server
named "W1AWBDCT."  The audio is sent in real-time and runs
concurrently with W1AW's regular transmission schedule.

All users who connect to the conference server are muted.  Please
note that any questions or comments about this server should not be
sent via the "Text" window in EchoLink. Please direct any questions
or comments to

In a communications emergency, monitor W1AW for special bulletins as
follows: Voice on the hour, Digital at 15 minutes past the hour, and
CW on the half hour.

All licensed amateurs may operate the station from 1500 UTC to 1700
UTC (10 AM to 12 PM EST), and then from 1800 UTC to 2045 UTC (1 PM
to 3:45 PM EST) Monday through Friday.  Be sure to bring your
current FCC amateur radio license or a photocopy.

The W1AW Operating Schedule may also be found on page 91 in the
January 2015 issue of QST or on the web at, .

News from the American Radio Relay League