Saturday, October 31, 2015
FALL BACK NOV 1, 2015:
Net time is 3:30PM Local or
2130Hrs UTC, Every Sunday ARES Oklahoma HF net on 7.260 MHz (alt freq 3.900 MHz)+/- QRM
Mark Conklin, N7XYO
Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Friday, October 30, 2015
Tick, Tock, Turn Back the Clock
Tick, tock! Sunday, November 1 marks the end of Daylight Saving Time. Use this opportunity to not only prepare your clocks to “fall back”, but also prepare your home for fire emergencies by changing the batteries in your smoke alarms.
According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), smoke alarms are essential to home fire safety and should be properly maintained. To promote fire safety in your home, remember to:
To learn more about fire escape planning, check out this USFA public service announcement.
Change the weather radio battery too.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Deadline for Nominations for the George Hart Distinguished Service Award approaching
Established by the ARRL Board of Directors in 2009, the George Hart Distinguished Service Award is given annually to an ARRL member for exemplary service to the League’s Field Organization. Selection criteria include NTS operating record, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) participation, or service to the ARRL Field Organization in terms of appointments and/or leadership positions held.
Nominations should thoroughly document the nominee’s lifetime activities and achievements within the ARRL Field Organization. Nominees are expected to have at least 15 years of distinguished service.
The Programs and Services Committee will serve as the Review Committee, and the ARRL Board of Directors will make the final determination at its Annual Meeting in January.\
Submit nominations and related supporting material and letters of recommendation to ARRL Headquarters or mail nominating documents to ARRL Field Organization Team Supervisor Steve Ewald, WV1X (or to 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111).
Thanks to Steve, WV1X for this reminder
Monday, October 26, 2015
Antenna Discussions/Demos and Answers to Your Questions!
Amateur Radio Roundtable Subject: Antenna discussions/demos and answers to your questions
This week's show (October 27th) will feature Emmett Hohensee, W0QH, Chief Engineer of Radiowavz, Emmett will continue discussions on different antenna types and designs. He will explain the pros and cons of the antennas and will answer your questions via the chat room or the viewer telephone lines.
Next week we hope to have Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB, back with us to discuss kits that are becoming very popular with the ham community.
Please send your FCC related questions to Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, at He will answer your questions on a future webcast, and in some cases, he may just call you on the phone if you leave a number. Riley retired from the FCC's Compliance and Information Bureau as Legal Adviser for Enforcement Program.
Amateur Radio Roundtable is a live weekly amateur radio webcast, held every Tuesday night at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC Wednesday) at The show covers a wide range of topics for ham radio operators and electronic hobbyists; including balloon launches, satellite, go-kits, emergency communications, SDR, digital modes, DXing, home brewing, hamfest updates, and more. Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions via the chat room or telephone.
Towards the end of each show, we provide a link and viewers who have a camera, microphone, and a Google+ account, can join the show. Your video and audio will be on the webcast. This part of the show is very informal and up to 10 people can join. We talk about anything the viewers want to discuss.
We would like to share pictures of your ham shack. Send a picture of your ham shack with a description and we will feature your shack pictures on the show. In fact, if you give us your permission, your shack could be used as the background of that week's webcast!
If you have a specific subject idea for a future show, send an email to
Please help us advertise the show by sharing in Twitter and Facebook on Tuesday evenings. Forward this message to a Friend will allow you to share this message with your friends.
Join us for fun and interesting discussions!
Tom Medlin, W5KUB
Thanks to Mac, K2GKK for making this information available.
___________________ Information __________________________ is the Section Blog is the Section Page at ARRL
This list is for the discussion of topics relating to amateur radio in the ARRL Oklahoma Section. Anyone is welcome to post to the list. It was set up in order to improve communication between the section leaders and members.
ARRL-OK mailing list
This list hosted by:
Please help support this email list:
Saturday, October 24, 2015
National Parks on the Air - 2016
ARRL announced an exciting new on-the-air program for next year, 2016. It is “National Parks on the Air” (NPOTA).
Please read the ARRL Web news page article that introduces this year-long event starting January 1, 2016.
Throughout 2016, Amateur Radio will be helping the National Park Service celebrate their 100th anniversary. Hams from across the country will activate NPS units, promote the National Park Service and showcase Amateur Radio to the public.
More details and information can be found at this ARRL Web page link:
Thanks to Steve, WV1X for this information
Friday, October 23, 2015
Send Your Simulated Emergency Test Report
If you participated in the 3 OCT 2015 Amateur Radio Simulated Emergency Test Report...
**Individuals participating on their own and not with a local group should also send a SET report.
Links to SET reporting forms and the EC Annual Report may be found at After logging on the page, scroll down and look in the middle of the page for links titled "Form A: EC Simulated Emergency Test Report", "Form B: NM Simulated Emergency Test Report", and Form C: EC Annual Report."
You may e-mail your SET summaries to ARRL Headquarters via If you mail them to ARRL via the postal service, the address is:
ARRL Headquarters,
225 Main Street,
Newington, CT 06111-1494
Thanks to Mark, N7XYO for this information.
If you participated in the 3 OCT 2015 Amateur Radio Simulated Emergency Test Report...
**Individuals participating on their own and not with a local group should also send a SET report.
Links to SET reporting forms and the EC Annual Report may be found at After logging on the page, scroll down and look in the middle of the page for links titled "Form A: EC Simulated Emergency Test Report", "Form B: NM Simulated Emergency Test Report", and Form C: EC Annual Report."
You may e-mail your SET summaries to ARRL Headquarters via If you mail them to ARRL via the postal service, the address is:
ARRL Headquarters,
225 Main Street,
Newington, CT 06111-1494
Thanks to Mark, N7XYO for this information.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Who is up for Enid? #ARRL #hamradio
| ||||
Friday, October 16, 2015
Digital Net activity recorded during the Simulated Emergency Test
During the Simulated Emergency Test recently, the Oklahoma Section establsihed a digital net. The following is the summary of that activity. How did you do on SET?
Net logs:
PSK-250 on VHF
KT5DIG (net control)
KT5DIG (net control)
MFSK-16 on HF
KT5DIG (net control)
PSK-31 on HF
KT5DIG (net control)
KC5MWZ ran Winmor, but no stations responded.
We successfully sent one ICS-213 form from KT5DIG (Broken Arrow/Tulsa) to KC5WMZ (Oklahoma City) on 40m. Both ends of the link were 20 watts or less. We utilized the FLMSG portion of the FLDIGI suite of programs to compose and send the message.
A text bulletin was also sent from KT5DIG to KC5MWZ utilizing the FLAMP "multicast" software that is part of the FLDIGI suite of programs. The FLAMP software allows multiple stations to receive the same information, but individually request for portions of the file to be transmitted by the net control.
Keyboard to keyboard and the forms and bulletins were 95%+ copy from each side.
Lessons for the next exercise: We could have easily run BPSK-250 for faster data transfer on the HF portion of the net, perhaps PSKR-250 (robust) if error-correction was necessary. In the future, we will also transfer the other ICS forms generated by the Tulsa group into FLMSG format and send those, as well.
While we monitored the VHF net in Tulsa, there was no traffic received to be routed through the digital portion of the net. We can place a representative running FLDIGI suite in physical proximity to the voice net control at future events so that message handling could be more direct.
All in all, a good start and looking forward to more opportunities to use digital in the future......Which has led to some new developments since the exercise. We have successfully placed a Winmor port on our existing packet BBS in Broken Arrow. More information to follow.
Thanks to Jeff AE5ME for this information.
Net logs:
PSK-250 on VHF
KT5DIG (net control)
KT5DIG (net control)
MFSK-16 on HF
KT5DIG (net control)
PSK-31 on HF
KT5DIG (net control)
KC5MWZ ran Winmor, but no stations responded.
We successfully sent one ICS-213 form from KT5DIG (Broken Arrow/Tulsa) to KC5WMZ (Oklahoma City) on 40m. Both ends of the link were 20 watts or less. We utilized the FLMSG portion of the FLDIGI suite of programs to compose and send the message.
A text bulletin was also sent from KT5DIG to KC5MWZ utilizing the FLAMP "multicast" software that is part of the FLDIGI suite of programs. The FLAMP software allows multiple stations to receive the same information, but individually request for portions of the file to be transmitted by the net control.
Keyboard to keyboard and the forms and bulletins were 95%+ copy from each side.
Lessons for the next exercise: We could have easily run BPSK-250 for faster data transfer on the HF portion of the net, perhaps PSKR-250 (robust) if error-correction was necessary. In the future, we will also transfer the other ICS forms generated by the Tulsa group into FLMSG format and send those, as well.
While we monitored the VHF net in Tulsa, there was no traffic received to be routed through the digital portion of the net. We can place a representative running FLDIGI suite in physical proximity to the voice net control at future events so that message handling could be more direct.
All in all, a good start and looking forward to more opportunities to use digital in the future......Which has led to some new developments since the exercise. We have successfully placed a Winmor port on our existing packet BBS in Broken Arrow. More information to follow.
Thanks to Jeff AE5ME for this information.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
** Free RMS Express Stations for upcoming COMEX ** #ARRL #hamradio
As an additional incentive, the Tulsa Digital Radio Club (TDRC) foundation will provide, free of charge, a completely functional RMS Express Station, including the tablet computer, soundcard TNC interface, and Baofeng HT dual band radio to any emergency management station that agrees to participate in the upcoming November 7th COMEX with the MARS group. This offer applies to any emergency management group in the greater Tulsa metro area, within 20 miles of Broken Arrow, OK.
For stations outside of the 20 mile area, the TDRC will provide, free of charge, a tablet computer with RMS Express and soundcard TNC interface to work with the station's existing VHF base station.
For outlying stations wishing to work the HF Winmor portion, the TDRC will provide, free of charge, a tablet computer with RMS Express and soundcard TNC interface to work with the station's existing HF base station.
For all three options (HT, VHF base, or HF base), TDRC personnel will meet with the operators and provide training in RMS Express and, in the case of operator provided VHF or HF stations, will install the soundcard TNC interface and tablet computer.
The only "condition" is that the emergency management station operate RMS Express during the upcoming COMEX and send and receive messages with the AE5ME-15 system. Equipment is free to use as you wish after the exercise is complete. Of course, we hope you continue to see the value of RMS Express and use it as a tool for future events and exercises.
Keep in mind that many of you may already have the resources to run an RMS Express station if you have a TNC built into your radio. For example, the Kenwood TS-2000 has a built-in TNC that can operate on packet by connecting to the com port on the radio.
Deadline for applying for the above hardware is Saturday, October 17th in order to allow us to distribute stations and conduct training with operators prior to the exercise. Please send email to ae5me at yahoo dot com.
Thanks to Jeff, AE5ME for this information.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Main Trading Company Sidewalk Sale - 18 Oct
Thanks to Dave, WD5G for the following information.
Main Trading Company in Paris, TX is having a big sidewalk sale on 18 Oct.
This is apparently a big deal with vendors, prizes, etc.
More info is available at:
and thanks to Mac, K2GKK for sending it along.
Main Trading Company in Paris, TX is having a big sidewalk sale on 18 Oct.
This is apparently a big deal with vendors, prizes, etc.
More info is available at:
and thanks to Mac, K2GKK for sending it along.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Simplicity and a Basic Approach to DXpeditions
This week's show (October 13th) will have a special guest, Paul Ewing, N6PSE, of San Jose, California. Paul will share pictures and discuss his past and future DXpeditions using simplicity and a basic approach. He is a retired Information Technology & Security consultant. Paul was an early Internet pioneer running the systems, networks, and data centers for Internet companies; such as, eBay, Yahoo, and Google during their early years. He has been an amateur radio operator since 1982, maintains an amateur radio blog, and is a serious DXer! Paul's DX accomplishments include:Member of the 3D2R Rotuma Island DXpedition -Sept-Oct, 2011Member of the ET3AA team from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - December, 2011Member of the 7O6T Team from Socotra, Yemen - May 2012Co-Leader of the 3D2C Conway Reef Dxpedition - September, 2012Member of the XZ1J Myanmar DXpedition - November 15-26th, 2013Co-Leader of the E30FB Eritrea DXpedition - March, 2015Will be co-Leader of the Dxpedition to South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands - January, 2016Next week (October 20) our guest will be Dan Romanchik, KB6NU. Dan has a great amateur radio blog and has helped scores of hams upgrade their licenses.
Riley Hollingsworth, Joe Eisenberg, and Emmett Hohensee have joined the show and will provide lots of new and great items for discussion. They will alternate appearances as their schedules permit.
Please send your FCC related questions via email to Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH. Riley retired from the FCC's Compliance and Information Bureau as Legal Adviser for Enforcement Program. He will answer your questions during his next appearance.
Amateur Radio Roundtable is a live weekly amateur radio webcast, held every Tuesday night at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC Wednesday) at The show covers a wide range of topics for ham radio operators and electronic hobbyists; including balloon launches, satellite, go-kits, emergency communications, SDR, digital modes, DXing, home brewing, hamfest updates, and more. Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions via the chat room or telephone.
Towards the end of each show, we provide a link and viewers who have a camera, microphone, and a Google+ account, can join the show. Your video and audio will be on the webcast. This part of the show is very informal and up to 10 people can join. We talk about anything the viewers want to discuss.
We want to share pictures of your ham shack. Send a picture of your ham shack with a description and we will feature your shack pictures on the show. In fact, if you give us your permission, your shack could be used as the background of that week's webcast!
If you have a specific subject idea for a future show, send an email to
Forward this message to a Friend will allow you to share this message with your friends.
Join us for fun and interesting discussions!
Tom Medlin, W5KUB
Thanks to Mac, K2GKK for this post
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Tailgate Swapnet announced
DATE : OCT.17 ,2015
LOCATION : 332 West 33 rd - 73013
ABOUT THREE ABOUT ( 3 ) Three Blocks West Of South Broadway Ave.( south
side of street )
The R.L Williams Co. ( In the rear parking lot )
TALK-IN FREQUENCY.. 146.790 - ( minus off set )
requires a P L tone of 100-hrtz. ( to access) repeater
CONTACT Information ::
Thanks to Jerry, N5KNU for this information.
DATE : OCT.17 ,2015
LOCATION : 332 West 33 rd - 73013
ABOUT THREE ABOUT ( 3 ) Three Blocks West Of South Broadway Ave.( south
side of street )
The R.L Williams Co. ( In the rear parking lot )
TALK-IN FREQUENCY.. 146.790 - ( minus off set )
requires a P L tone of 100-hrtz. ( to access) repeater
CONTACT Information ::
Thanks to Jerry, N5KNU for this information.
Friday, October 9, 2015
West Gulf Division Newsletter October 2015
---JOTA October 16-18
---Oklahoma State Convention at Ardmore
---The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015
---ARRL Education and Technology Program Grants
---Planned events for K5RAV and N5AUS
---Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions
---JOTA October 16-18
Help Scouts Get On The Air - JOTA 2015
The third weekend of October (16-18) is the 58th running of Jamboree on
the Air (JOTA), the largest gathering of Scouts throughout the world.
Last year, over 1 million Scouts communicated via amateur radio.
You can be a part of this event by learning what JOTA is, and, by,
contacting a local Scout Unit (Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts) or a local
BSA or GSUSA Council to offer to set up a station at a campout, city
park, Council offices or Scout Camp. Many Hams simply invite a few
local Scouts and their parents to drop by their "shack" to talk
with other Scouts and others interested in Scouting and Amateur Radio.
More information can be found at:
We've been trying hard to communicate what JOTA is to BSA and GSUSA
Councils; however, don't get frustrated if they don't know what
you're talking about. Even though it's grown to be the biggest
event of the year (participation wise), many Councils have many local
issues that prevent them from utilizing this opportunity. That's
where you come in.
The K2BSA Amateur Radio Association offers some "talking points"
when contacting professionals and Scouters who might not be acquainted
with JOTA and amateur radio.
Once you decide to set up a JOTA operation, please do the following:
1. Register your station at
2. Notify your ARRL Section ASM for Radio Scouting (see the list at
3. Sign up for JOTA and Radio Scouting news at
4. Have fun!
After your JOTA operation:
1. Complete a JOTA report (instructions provided when you register with
2. Send a summary to your ARRL Section ASM and to K5HS@ARRL.NET (West
Gulf Division AD for Radio Scouting) - we'll compile a report for the
West Gulf Division after JOTA to share the fun
3. Start making plans for a bigger and better JOTA operation for 2016
(perhaps involving your Club)
The ARRL Section ASMs for Radio Scouting are always in need of support
from throughout their Section, especially for establishing contacts
with local Councils. Consider letting them know you're available to
Submitted by Frank Krizan, K5HS, Assistant Director for Radio Scouting
---ARRL Oklahoma State Convention at Ardmore
Texoma Hamarama Family FunFest is Southern Oklahoma's largest indoor
air-conditioned Ham Fest, forum, swap meet, expo and ham radio market
This year, we are proud to be hosting the ARRL State Convention. League
members from around the West Gulf Coast division of the Amateur Radio
Relay League (ARRL) and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) will
be in attendance, both on the trade floor and in the forums.
Friday - Setup 12:00 Noon - Open 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM
Saturday - Setup 7:00 AM - Open 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM
A Giant Thank You to Everyone That Comes out for Texoma Hamarama. If
you need any assistance, find someone in a Yellow Vest/Hat, and they
will be able to help you with any need.
---The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015
The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 -- H.R.1301 in the US House of
Representative and S 1685 in the US Senate -- would direct the FCC to
extend its rules relating to reasonable accommodation of Amateur
Service communications to private land use restrictions. US Rep Adam
Kinzinger (R-IL) introduced HR 1301 on March 4 with 12 original
cosponsors from both sides of the aisle -- seven Republicans and five
Democrats in the US House. US Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) introduced S
1685 on June 25, with Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) as the original
cosponsor, in the US Senate.
The Amateur Radio Parity Act would require the FCC to amend its Part 97
Amateur Service rules to apply the three-part test of the PRB-1 federal
pre-emption policy to include homeowners association regulations and
deed restrictions, often referred to as "covenants, conditions, and
restrictions" (CC&Rs). At present, PRB-1 only applies to state and
local zoning laws and ordinances. The FCC has been reluctant to extend
the same legal protections to include private land-use agreements
without direction from Congress.
H.R. 1301 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Rep Greg Walden, W7EQI (R-OR), chairs that panel's Communications and
Technology Subcommittee, which will consider the measure. S 1685 has
been referred to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation
Committee's subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation and
the Internet, which is chaired by the bill's sponsor, Wicker.
ARRL members are urged to contact their members of both the House and
the Senate, asking them to sign on to the bill as a co-sponsor. Route
letters for your member of Congress to:
Attn Amateur Radio Parity Act grassroots campaign
225 Main St
Newington CT 06111
For sample letters and to determine who represents you in Congress, go
Follow the instructions there to prepare your support letters for both
H.R. 1301 and SB 1685. Letters are important to elected officials.
The more letters received by your Representative and Senator the more
likely he/she are to support amateur radio.
Please do your part. Send your letters today.
---ARRL Education and Technology Program Grants
November 1 is the deadline for schools to apply for 2016 ARRL Education
& Technology Program (ETP) grants.
The ETP offers two types of grants. School Station Grants are awarded
to schools providing a plan to use Amateur Radio as part of an
enrichment program and/or as part of in-classroom learning. ETP
Progress Grants offer modest support to teachers now using Amateur
Radio as an instructional tool who need additional resources for
specific purposes. Progress grants also are available for teachers who
need resources to start teaching wireless technology and electronics
topics as part of a longer-range plan to involve Amateur Radio.
A primary ETP objective is to boost wireless technology literacy among
US students and educators through Amateur Radio.
"Amateur Radio provides hands-on opportunities for students to learn
about radio science!" said ARRL Educational Services Manager Debra
Johnson, K1DMJ. "We look for commitment from teachers and school
administrators, a well-conceived plan to use the resources to engage
students, and a working relationship with local ham radio volunteers
who are willing to serve as mentors," she explained.
Applicants should review and complete the ETP grant application form
(PDF) (MS-Word). Submitted applications are evaluated on several
The ETP depends upon the sustaining support of the Amateur Radio
community. Since its inception in 2000, the program has grown to
benefit more than 550 schools. The program welcomes your donation. For
more information, contact Debra Johnson, K1DMJ, at ARRL Headquarters.
---Planned events for K5RAV and N5AUS
Director Woolweaver, K5RAV and Vice Director Stratton, N5AUS plan to
attend the following upcoming events in 2015:
---Oklahoma State Convention, Ardmore, OK Oct 23
---South Texas Hamfest, Aransas Pass, TX, Oct 31
---South Texas Hamfest, Aransas Pass, TX, Oct 31
ARRL Convention and Hamfest events are a great place to visit with the
Division and Section Leadership. Each event will also include an ARRL
forum where you can receive additional insight into Division and
Section matters.
At any time that you have a concern or just want to say hello, contact
Director Woolweaver at
---Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions
10/17/2015 | Lubbock ARC's Second Annual Hamfest
Location: Lubbock, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Lubbock Amateur Radio Club
10/23/2015 | Oklahoma State Convention (Texoma Hamarama)
Location: Ardmore, OK
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Texoma Hamarama Inc.
10/31/2015 | South Texas Hamfest
Location: Aransas Pass, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: South Texas Hamfest Association
11/07/2015 | Enid ARC Hamfest
Location: Enid, OK
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Enid Amateur Radio Club
ARRL West Gulf Division
Director: David A Woolweaver, K5RAV
---The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015
---ARRL Education and Technology Program Grants
---Planned events for K5RAV and N5AUS
---Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions
---JOTA October 16-18
Help Scouts Get On The Air - JOTA 2015
The third weekend of October (16-18) is the 58th running of Jamboree on
the Air (JOTA), the largest gathering of Scouts throughout the world.
Last year, over 1 million Scouts communicated via amateur radio.
You can be a part of this event by learning what JOTA is, and, by,
contacting a local Scout Unit (Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts) or a local
BSA or GSUSA Council to offer to set up a station at a campout, city
park, Council offices or Scout Camp. Many Hams simply invite a few
local Scouts and their parents to drop by their "shack" to talk
with other Scouts and others interested in Scouting and Amateur Radio.
More information can be found at:
We've been trying hard to communicate what JOTA is to BSA and GSUSA
Councils; however, don't get frustrated if they don't know what
you're talking about. Even though it's grown to be the biggest
event of the year (participation wise), many Councils have many local
issues that prevent them from utilizing this opportunity. That's
where you come in.
The K2BSA Amateur Radio Association offers some "talking points"
when contacting professionals and Scouters who might not be acquainted
with JOTA and amateur radio.
Once you decide to set up a JOTA operation, please do the following:
1. Register your station at
2. Notify your ARRL Section ASM for Radio Scouting (see the list at
3. Sign up for JOTA and Radio Scouting news at
4. Have fun!
After your JOTA operation:
1. Complete a JOTA report (instructions provided when you register with
2. Send a summary to your ARRL Section ASM and to K5HS@ARRL.NET (West
Gulf Division AD for Radio Scouting) - we'll compile a report for the
West Gulf Division after JOTA to share the fun
3. Start making plans for a bigger and better JOTA operation for 2016
(perhaps involving your Club)
The ARRL Section ASMs for Radio Scouting are always in need of support
from throughout their Section, especially for establishing contacts
with local Councils. Consider letting them know you're available to
Submitted by Frank Krizan, K5HS, Assistant Director for Radio Scouting
---ARRL Oklahoma State Convention at Ardmore
Texoma Hamarama Family FunFest is Southern Oklahoma's largest indoor
air-conditioned Ham Fest, forum, swap meet, expo and ham radio market
This year, we are proud to be hosting the ARRL State Convention. League
members from around the West Gulf Coast division of the Amateur Radio
Relay League (ARRL) and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) will
be in attendance, both on the trade floor and in the forums.
Friday - Setup 12:00 Noon - Open 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM
Saturday - Setup 7:00 AM - Open 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM
A Giant Thank You to Everyone That Comes out for Texoma Hamarama. If
you need any assistance, find someone in a Yellow Vest/Hat, and they
will be able to help you with any need.
---The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015
The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 -- H.R.1301 in the US House of
Representative and S 1685 in the US Senate -- would direct the FCC to
extend its rules relating to reasonable accommodation of Amateur
Service communications to private land use restrictions. US Rep Adam
Kinzinger (R-IL) introduced HR 1301 on March 4 with 12 original
cosponsors from both sides of the aisle -- seven Republicans and five
Democrats in the US House. US Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) introduced S
1685 on June 25, with Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) as the original
cosponsor, in the US Senate.
The Amateur Radio Parity Act would require the FCC to amend its Part 97
Amateur Service rules to apply the three-part test of the PRB-1 federal
pre-emption policy to include homeowners association regulations and
deed restrictions, often referred to as "covenants, conditions, and
restrictions" (CC&Rs). At present, PRB-1 only applies to state and
local zoning laws and ordinances. The FCC has been reluctant to extend
the same legal protections to include private land-use agreements
without direction from Congress.
H.R. 1301 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Rep Greg Walden, W7EQI (R-OR), chairs that panel's Communications and
Technology Subcommittee, which will consider the measure. S 1685 has
been referred to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation
Committee's subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation and
the Internet, which is chaired by the bill's sponsor, Wicker.
ARRL members are urged to contact their members of both the House and
the Senate, asking them to sign on to the bill as a co-sponsor. Route
letters for your member of Congress to:
Attn Amateur Radio Parity Act grassroots campaign
225 Main St
Newington CT 06111
For sample letters and to determine who represents you in Congress, go
Follow the instructions there to prepare your support letters for both
H.R. 1301 and SB 1685. Letters are important to elected officials.
The more letters received by your Representative and Senator the more
likely he/she are to support amateur radio.
Please do your part. Send your letters today.
---ARRL Education and Technology Program Grants
November 1 is the deadline for schools to apply for 2016 ARRL Education
& Technology Program (ETP) grants.
The ETP offers two types of grants. School Station Grants are awarded
to schools providing a plan to use Amateur Radio as part of an
enrichment program and/or as part of in-classroom learning. ETP
Progress Grants offer modest support to teachers now using Amateur
Radio as an instructional tool who need additional resources for
specific purposes. Progress grants also are available for teachers who
need resources to start teaching wireless technology and electronics
topics as part of a longer-range plan to involve Amateur Radio.
A primary ETP objective is to boost wireless technology literacy among
US students and educators through Amateur Radio.
"Amateur Radio provides hands-on opportunities for students to learn
about radio science!" said ARRL Educational Services Manager Debra
Johnson, K1DMJ. "We look for commitment from teachers and school
administrators, a well-conceived plan to use the resources to engage
students, and a working relationship with local ham radio volunteers
who are willing to serve as mentors," she explained.
Applicants should review and complete the ETP grant application form
(PDF) (MS-Word). Submitted applications are evaluated on several
The ETP depends upon the sustaining support of the Amateur Radio
community. Since its inception in 2000, the program has grown to
benefit more than 550 schools. The program welcomes your donation. For
more information, contact Debra Johnson, K1DMJ, at ARRL Headquarters.
---Planned events for K5RAV and N5AUS
Director Woolweaver, K5RAV and Vice Director Stratton, N5AUS plan to
attend the following upcoming events in 2015:
---Oklahoma State Convention, Ardmore, OK Oct 23
---South Texas Hamfest, Aransas Pass, TX, Oct 31
---South Texas Hamfest, Aransas Pass, TX, Oct 31
ARRL Convention and Hamfest events are a great place to visit with the
Division and Section Leadership. Each event will also include an ARRL
forum where you can receive additional insight into Division and
Section matters.
At any time that you have a concern or just want to say hello, contact
Director Woolweaver at
---Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions
10/17/2015 | Lubbock ARC's Second Annual Hamfest
Location: Lubbock, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Lubbock Amateur Radio Club
10/23/2015 | Oklahoma State Convention (Texoma Hamarama)
Location: Ardmore, OK
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Texoma Hamarama Inc.
10/31/2015 | South Texas Hamfest
Location: Aransas Pass, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: South Texas Hamfest Association
11/07/2015 | Enid ARC Hamfest
Location: Enid, OK
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Enid Amateur Radio Club
ARRL West Gulf Division
Director: David A Woolweaver, K5RAV
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Fun event set for Guthrie area #ARRL #hamradio
Central Oklahoma Fox Hunt/Poker Run Extravaganza
Central Oklahoma Fox Hunt/Poker Run Extravaganza
Sponsored by Southern Logan County Radio Society
When: October 10, 2015
Time: 0800-1400
Where: Starting Point: Sonic 2222 E. Heather, Guthrie OK 73044Starting Point is on Heather, west of the intersection.
First card will be issued at 0800.
Entry Fee: ~ 10.00, 50% of pot goes to winner and 50% goes to cover event expenses.
Picnic/award presentation at the end of the run.
Raffle at the picnic. Tickets 50 cents/ticket no limit. Picnic is POT LUCK. SLCRS will provide hot dogs and
hamburgers. You bring side dish.
Simple 5 Card Poker
Highest Hands Win
There will be 5 Transmitters
4 VHF - 1 UHF
First card issued at starting point
Find each VHF transmitter to get additional cards and frequency to next transmitter
First 10 teams to find UHF transmitter gets wild card
Total of 6 cards (5 to make hand}
Ties to be broken by five hands of Texas Hold'm {at picnic)
Winner of 3 out of 5 wins pot
Thakns to Clay WA6LBU for this information.
Highest Hands Win
There will be 5 Transmitters
4 VHF - 1 UHF
First card issued at starting point
Find each VHF transmitter to get additional cards and frequency to next transmitter
First 10 teams to find UHF transmitter gets wild card
Total of 6 cards (5 to make hand}
Ties to be broken by five hands of Texas Hold'm {at picnic)
Winner of 3 out of 5 wins pot
Thakns to Clay WA6LBU for this information.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
International Humanitarian Award Nomination Period Open
Nominations are open for the 2015 ARRL International Humanitarian Award
<>. The award is
conferred upon an amateur or amateurs who demonstrate devotion to human
welfare, peace and international understanding through Amateur Radio. The
League established the annual prize to recognize Amateur Radio operators
who have used ham radio to provide extraordinary service to others in
times of crisis or disaster.
A committee appointed by the League's President recommends the award
recipient(s) to the ARRL Board, which makes the final decision. The
committee is now accepting nominations from Amateur Radio, governmental or
other organizations that have benefited from extraordinary service
rendered by an Amateur Radio operator or group.
Amateur Radio is one of the few telecommunication services that allow
people throughout the world from all walks of life to meet and talk with
each other, thereby spreading goodwill across political boundaries. The
ARRL International Humanitarian Award recognizes Amateur Radio's unique
role in international communication and the assistance amateurs regularly
provide to people in need.
Nominations should include a summary of the nominee's actions that qualify
the individual (or individuals) for this award, plus verifying statements
from at least two people having first-hand knowledge of the events
warranting the nomination. These statements may be from an official of a
group (for example, the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, a local or
state emergency management official) that benefited from the nominee's
particular Amateur Radio contribution. Nominations should include the
names and addresses of all references.
All nominations and supporting materials for the 2015 ARRL International
Humanitarian Award must be submitted in writing in English to ARRL
International Humanitarian Award, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111 USA.
Nomination submissions are due by December 31, 2015. In the event that no
nominations are received, the committee itself may determine a recipient
or decide to make no award.
The winner of the ARRL International Humanitarian Award receives an
engraved plaque and a profile in QST and other ARRL venues.
73 and thanks,
Chuck Skolaut KØBOG
Field & Regulatory Correspondent
ARRL, The national association for Amateur Radio®
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Send Your Simulated Emergency Test Report #ARRL #hamradio
After the SET all ARES-OK leaders please send in your report. Individuals participating on their own and not with a local group should also send a SET report.
Links to SET reporting forms and the EC Annual Report may be found at After logging on the page, scroll down and look in the middle of the page for links titled "Form A: EC Simulated Emergency Test Report", "Form B: NM Simulated Emergency Test Report", and Form C: EC Annual Report."
You may e-mail your SET summaries to ARRL Headquarters via If you mail them to ARRL via the postal service, the address is: ARRL Headquarters, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT06111-1494.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Digital participation in the Simulated Emergency Test reported #ARRL #hamradio
The Tulsa Digital Radio Club (TDRC) will be providing several digital modes during the ARES-Oklahoma Simulated Emergency Test (SET), scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd. Operating times for each mode are listed below and are "local" time:
1) HF Digital on 7036 kHz USB with center frequency of 1500 Hz (+/- QRM). We will operate beginning at10 AM and send traffic to KC5MWZ in OKC in FLAMP (bulletins) and FLMSG (traffic). Primary operation will be MFSK-16, with Olivia 8-500 as backup in the event of poor band conditions. Net control operator will be KT5DIG. Stations are welcome to copy the FLAMP bulletins and FLMSG traffic and send confirmation copies to AE5ME@YAHOO.COM. After contact is complete with KC5MWZ, net control will take check-ins from other stations operating on MFSK-16. At 11 AM, net control will change to PSK31 for those stations that only have PSK capabilities. HF net will conclude at 12 PM.
2) VHF Digital will be on 146.985 Mhz FM Rose Oklahoma repeater with center frequency of 1500 Hz and PL tone of 110.9 Hz. Mode will be BPSK-250. We will operate beginning at 8 AM and will send out FLAMP (bulletins) and FLMSG (traffic). Net control is KT5DIG, and we will take check-ins from other stations. Stations are welcome to copy the FLAMP bulletins and FLMSG traffic and send confirmation copies to AE5ME@YAHOO.COM. VHF net will conclude at 9 AM.
3) VHF APRS will be on 144.39 Mhz. We will operate beginning at 9 AM and will send out various bulletins. Net control is AE5ME-10 and we will take check-ins via APRS messages addressed to net control. We will also be in the ANSRVR group "OKAPRS" for those stations that use ANSRVR. Stations in "OKAPRS" can send a message to the group and net control will respond. APRS net operation will conclude at 10 AM. Several have asked about the emergency power capability of APRS. We have confirmed that several APRS digipeaters in the greater Tulsa area have emergency backup capability.
The station with the most number of confirmed copies of net traffic from the various modes emailed to AE5ME@YAHOO.COM will receive a certificate of recognition from the TDRC.
Mark Conklin, N7XYO
Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
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