Wednesday, September 30, 2015

2014 Route 66 UPDATE

I am not quite sure why... But I am receiving requesst for W6T again this year. The proper address is: W6T - RT66 Event P.O.Box 17572 Munds Park, AZ 86017

I must say, it is more fun being on the air as a Special Event Station.Working from the other end can get frustrating!!!73.

Thanks to  Larry Francis - KW7I for this information.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Check in to the NET tonight - 147.225 PL 88 Every Tuesday 1900

 Check in to the NET tonight -  open to ALL Amateur Radio operator friends tonight at 1900 hours 147.225 PL 88.5 (and every Tuesday).    (Repeater in Preston, OK)

Thanks to the Okmulgee County SkyWarn Association​ for the use of the 147.225 machine and to Okmulgee County Emergency Management​ for their support of Amateur Radio.

Mark Conklin, N7XYO
Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator
Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Foxhunt Event for #hamradio folks #ARRL

The Central Oklahoma Fox Hunt/Poker Run Extravaganza is sponsored by the Southern Logan County Radio Society (SLCRS)

**Date/Time: October 10, 2015 0800-1400

**Starting Point: Sonic 2222 E. Heather, Guthrie OK 73044

Starting Point is on Heather, west of the intersection.

First card will be issued at 0800.

**Entry Fee: $10.00 50% of pot goes to winner and 50% goes

to cover event expenses.

**Picnic/award presentation at the end of the run.

**Raffle at the picnic. Tickets 50 cents/ticket no limit.

**Picnic is POT LUCK. SLCRS will provide hot dogs and hamburgers. You
bring side dish.


Simple 5 Card Poker

Highest Hands Win

There will be 5 Transmiters

4 VHF - 1 UHF

First card issued at starting point

Find each VHF transmitter to get additional cards and frequency to next

First 10 teams to find UHF transmitter gets wild card

Total of 6 cards (5 to make hand)

Ties to be broken by five hands of Texas Hold'm (at picnic)

Winner of 3 out of 5 wins pot



HWY 51/33 north/south

I-35/Hwy 74 east/west

Question Directed to:

Thanks to Clay, WA6LBU@gmail.comWA6LBU

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Volunteers needed for 2015 Bike MS!
 Bike MS: The Road Divided 2015 - Central Oklahoma MS Society is asking for amateur radio volunteers to facilitate in the safety and care of the cyclists while providing us a unique opportunity to exercise emergency communications abilities.

Date: September 26-27
Time: Ride begins 8 am Saturday and Sunday
Central OK Ham Radio Volunteer Form:
Seeking HAMS from Norman to Stillwater!

Bike MS: The Road Divided is a two-day fundraising bicycling event that takes riders on a journey from Norman to Stillwater. This event begins Saturday morning in Norman. Cyclists will pedal 100 miles the first day through Central Oklahoma and finish with an overnight stay in Guthrie. On Day 2 cyclists will pedal another 60 miles from Guthrie to Stillwater. Participants will experience routes with fully-stocked rest stops every 10-12 miles, a lunch stop each day and support provided by volunteer nurses, HAM radio operators and law enforcement.  2015 will mark the 30th anniversary of celebrating Bike MS in Oklahoma. Join us as we celebrate this milestone year with a new route (central Oklahoma) and a new name!

Amateur Radio operators are needed at the start, finish, and each rest stop and will utilize a coordinated list of repeaters in Norman, Edmond, and Stillwater.  Net Control will be provided by hams from Tulsa using repeaters in Norman, Oklahoma City and Stillwater.

The Bike MS event is seeking Central Oklahoma HAM Volunteers for each of the rest stops and start/finish lines for both days.  Several hams will be working with each cyclist in need and communicating that need as necessary.  This may include everything from requesting an ambulance to food or transportation (SAG Wagon).  These will be fixed locations, not mobile.  Several locations may use HTs while others will require higher power and a 5/8 wave mobile antenna.

Please consider helping to fight MS and to demonstrate how effective and fast Amateur Radio can assist people in need!  This is a great opportunity to assist athletes in the heartland who are raising money to help those stricken with MS.

Day 1 map:

Day 2 map:

For more information about Bike MS:

Thanks to  JC Nocker, K5JCN for this report.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Edmond club announces Technician Class #ARRL #hamradio

The Edmond Amateur Radio Society and the national association for Amateur Radio invites the public to attend its annual entry level amateur radio license class. The classes are free however the course manual is $25 and the FCC exam is $15, with free online practice exams. This class will be held on Tuesday nights 6:30 to 8:30 PM September 15 – November 3 at the Edmond Community Center located at 28 East Main Street, in the heart of downtown Edmond.

To register please visit the club web site at WWW.K5EOK.ORG and click the “Classes” tab or email our class coordinator Marcus at or call/text 405-401-0106. 

Join 725,000 licensed US amateur radio operators or approximately 3 million worldwide to participate in the magic of radio wave communication by becoming involved in various activities from worldwide radio competitions to local weather spotting. Anyone may become a licensed Amateur Radio operator,  some as young as 5 and as old as 100. Find something fun and challenging in amateur radio – attend our class, pass the exam and try amateur radio!

For over 100 years, Amateur Radio — sometimes called ham radio — has allowed people from all walks of life to experiment with electronics and communications techniques, as well as provide a free public service to their communities during a disaster. “Hams can throw a wire in a tree for an antenna, connect it to a battery-powered transmitter and communicate halfway around the world,” said ARRL spokesman Sean Kutzko. “In today’s electronic do-it-yourself (DIY) environment, ham radio remains one of the best ways for people to learn about electronics, physics, meteorology, and numerous other scientific disciplines, and is a huge asset to any community during disasters if the standard communication infrastructure goes down.” And today there are also several amateur radio satellites, built by hams, which are fun and challenging to use as well!

Learn more about amateur radio by visiting or Formed in 1957, the Edmond Amateur Radio Society is a full-service amateur radio club with over 100 members. We assist our community with emergency and weather nets, as well as parade staging and communication. We conduct licensing classes and technical workshops, and actively participate in HF operations such as Field Day and special events. We run weekly nets on VHF/UHF and HF and have numerous social events throughout the year.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

ARRL Test Session set in Okmulgee #ARRL #hamradio

We have scheduled a test session on Sunday, September 20th at 3pm/ 1500hrs.

Testing will be in Okmulgee at the EOC 110 N Alabama. 

All license classes will be offered.

Walkins are welcome, however an email notification would be appreciated. 

Please forward this to anyone you know that may be interested. 

Thanks to  Jason, KF5KFB

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Your Friends at Sidewinders on Two want you to know this

Happy Labor Day Weekend,

I hope you are enjoying this weekend. I hope you take some time to get on.

This is the best time of the year to work Tropo. There have been a large number of opportunities to work some the past several days and sadly I think most of you are missing it.  The entire Southeast quadrant of the USA should be at the radio and working it.  The only real reports I am seeing are coming from the Northern Plains and the New England.

As I have stated before, don't waste your time looking at Hepburn. Be watching the NWS Regional and National Radar Mosaics. They are best indicators for Tropo. 


Next. I will be taking some time off the next few weeks. I have updated the Website this week (Hamfests for the month). 

If you have anything of interest for a Bulletin, please send it to me. I would be thrilled to hear about your results this past Spring and Summer. Also any gatherings and of course Net/Group results and events. They don't have to be SWOT related. It would be nice to let others know what is going on with 2 Meters. Even here in central Arizona stuff is happening. 

I would really like to get out a Bulletin in October. 
If I don't get anything, I am not wasting my time.

The September VHF Contest is next weekend. Join in. You might be surprised what you can work.
Have fun, make some noise and let other know what is happening.

Thanks to Art KA5DWI/7 for this information

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Route 66 returns to the Section #ARRL #hamradio


As September approaches, Route 66 On The Air will be soon upon us!!!  This year's R66 On The Air will begin on 12 September and end on 20 September.

 The call sign for Oklahoma City will once again be W6K.

 For further information on RT66 OTA, go to the
 Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club's

 To sign up to operate as an Oklahoma City special event station for R66 OTA,
 you need to register as an operator and then identify your operating day/s,
 time/s, band/s, and mode/s.

 You can operate from any location in the
 Oklahoma City area; your home, mobile, portable, etc.

 To get started as a volunteer, send your request for a registration ID and password to:

 Dave, NE5S
 Tom, WA9AFM
 Steve, NE5SD
 Mac, K2GKK

 Include your name, call sign, email address, and phone number.

 The administrator will reply with your user ID, password, and instructions
 on how to register and edit your operating slots.

 Oklahoma City has always had a big presence in RT66 OTA.  Even if you can only
 operate one day for an hour or two, please sign up and be a part of this great operating event.

Thanks to Tom, WA9AFM for this information.

News from the American Radio Relay League