Monday, February 7, 2011

Oklahoma ARES Nets

At, one can find a list of Oklahoma Amateur Radio Emergency Service nets.

These nets are a central point for training, preparing, and fellowship in the Oklahoma radio community.

Before there was Twitter and Facebook, hams checked into nets.  After getting on the roster, the ham would check into the net at a regularly scheduled time.

Should one miss the net, especially on an extended period of time, and, if they were not heard on the air later in the day, week, or month, one could expect a phone call or at least an inquiry on the radio about their welfare.

In northwest Oklahoma, on Wednesday night at 9:30, the ARES net is on K5GUD-R Echolink repeater and the next night on W5OKT-R there's a net as well.

On Thursday night at 7, the southwest Oklahoma ARES net is on 146.91 repeater linked to 145.39.

In northeast Oklahoma, the W5IAS system has a net and the bunch on the Mayes County repeater conducts a net on the 147.06 repeater with sufficient range to anchor down much of that corner of the State.

On 3.900 mHz, the Oklahoma ARES net meets Sunday afternoon at 3:30. It is a roll call net but new stations are added all the time.

Take some time to find your local radio net.  They are an easy place to meet local folks, test your radio equipment, arrange a schedule for another band, find that social network with friendly members who are interested in the hobby and helping.

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