Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hamfests #ARRL #hamradio

From reports, if you missed HamHoliday, you missed a good event.  The new location was a good choice.

There are plenty of hamfests in the area.  A quick search (just put your zip code and the radius you'll drive) shows:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Winlink announces third-party traffic rules #hamradio #ARRL

If you are a US-licensed station that routinely connects to a foreign gateway, or a non-US-licensed station that connects with a US gateway, you may be affected by new CMS behavior. The Winlink CMS now will enforce US Third-Party Message rules.

Because Winlink is being severely criticized for allowing US client and gateway operators to violate US amateur radio third-party traffic rules, we are today starting to test automatic enforcement of these rules. Part 97.3(47), 97.115 and 97.117 apply.

If you attempt to send or receive a third-party message between a US-licensed station and another station the US does not have a third-party communication agreement with, you may receive a service message saying the message will violate the applcable rules and that the message is refused (if you're sending) or being held at the CMS (if you are receiving). Alternative means to successfully send or receive the message will be explained. The US has treaties with most countries in the North and South America, but not most European, Asian and Pacific countries.

If you are a US-licensee, you should have no trouble sending and receiving to/from internet addresses if you connect with another US-licensed gateway, or one licensed in Central or South America — as long as the US has a third-party agreement with the licensing country.

If you are a non-US licensee, you should have no trouble sending and receiving to/from internet addresses if you connect to non-US licensed gateways.

We wish this was not necessary, but we have relied on US client and gateway operators to know the rules and obey them—and most have ignored them, unfortunately for all of us. In order to clean up the violations we are taking these measures to keep US Winlink operators legal. All licensees have an obligation to study, know, and obey the Amateur Radio Rules.

New monitoring and enforcement measures are coming into play with the establishment of a new Volunteer Monitor Program, now being set up by the ARRL at the request of the US FCC. We're doing this to make it easier for US operators to avoid loosing their licenses!

We will be tweaking the behavior of this new mechanism to make it as friendly and informative as it can be. Please bear with us as we make changes.

Thanks and 73,

Lor W3QA
Winlink Development Team

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

#HamHoliday #QCWA meeting announced #hamradio

Previously, our QCWA CHAP 63 meeting was scheduled to follow the ARRL FORUM, and to precede  the ARES FORUM.   THE PLANNING COMMITTEE decided to schedule the ARRL & ARES FORUMS back to back since many participants would plan to attend both forums.

Therefore, the QCWA CHAP 63 MEETING WAS MOVED TO THE 11:00am to 11:50am time slot.  We will still be in Room  #1.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

#HelpWanted #hamHoliday #ARRL Section Convention #hamradio

Volunteers needed for Ham Holiday

Each of the clubs in the OKC area volunteer to fulfill roles at Ham Holiday.  The Edmond Amateur Radio Society is tasked with collecting volunteers for the Ham Holiday ticket sales/will-call desk and wristbands for Friday and Saturday.
Please contact Ron McCubbin, KC5QCV.  Volunteers are needed to sell tickets, look-up pre-paid tickets and help with wristbands.
We thank you as does CORA, the Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs!

Contact Ron McCubbin:
(405) 255-5666

News from the American Radio Relay League