Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Elk City #hamfest kicks off the Oklahoma Section #ARRL #hamradio season

29th Annual Elk City Hamfest
     March 3, 2018
Elk City Community Civic Center
8:00 A. M. - ?????? P. M.
ARRL Testing 1:00 P.M.
Hamburger Supper Friday night!
6:30 pm
Set up Friday Afternoon
(1:30 P.M.)until 9:00 P.M.
No Pre-Register this year!
$5.00 Table
$5.00 Reg. fee

Worked All Oklahoma Hamfest!
This it the first year for Worked All Okla. Hamfest!
Sign up at Each Hamfest:
March 3, 2018 29th Elk City Hamfest
April 13-14 Green Country Hamfest 2018
July 27-28 Ham Holiday
Oct. 26-27 Texoma Hamarama
Nov.    2018 Enid Hamfest

Monday, February 25, 2019

#Skywarn Training announced #ARRL #HamRadio

No photo description available.Folks in the great plains have many opportunities to get FREE, life-saving information from the National Weather Service offices in WichitaNorman, and Tulsa.
The training is designed to keep one safe while providing aventues, including #hamradio, for reporting severe weather to the National Weather Service offices.  Ham radio is not required for this training.                                      
The Norman office also offers a number of online sessions,  Wichita announces their advanced spotter classes are in April.  See the links in the first paragraph for the training schedule.

News from the American Radio Relay League