Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas greetings from Kevin, N0IRW

HO HO HO! to all the Oklahoma hams out there!
I hope everyone is settling into the season and getting
their rigs all warmed up for the upcoming operating

Not a lot going on in the section at the moment, but there
are a few things of note.  All you instructors out there,
if you are using the League powerpoint for your classes 
and feel as I do it's pretty bad...somtime after the first
of the year, we should be rolling a totally upgraded
version for your color and more dynamic!

Upcoming hamfests include Elk City the first Saturday in
March and Green Country the second weekend in April.

Lastly, we received an e-mail from HQ on 12/18 about
change in ARES. I'm printing it here so you will know
everything we, your section leaderwhip knows.

Changes Coming to the Amateur Radio Emergency Service
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) has been the public service communications program of the ARRL since 1935. Over the program’s eight decades it has occasionally undergone updates to make sure it meets the needs of partners at all levels, adjusts to changes in the Amateur Radio Service, and incorporate lessons learned from emergency and disaster activations. However, the last major update to ARES occurred more than 40 years ago, and it is quite clear that a lot has changed since then.

So, two years ago, the ARRL board of directors created the Public Service Enhancement Working Group to study the ARRL’s public service offerings and recommend changes and improvements. The working group focused on many areas including training, volunteer management, field organization positions, and mission – all areas of concern brought to the board and staff’s attention from those in the field. The recommendations were vetted through a peer review group of field organization volunteers and readied for implementation.

In the months ahead, you will receive information on enhancements coming to the ARES program, including:

  • A new national mission statement for ARES
  •  New national training requirements and local training resources for ARES
  • Updated field organization job descriptions
  • Improved ARES operating guidelines 
  • New ARES group benefits
  • A new volunteer management system – ARES Connect
The first step in the next evolution of ARES is group identification. Currently there is no way to identify ARES groups or their associated volunteers with a searchable unique designator, which makes reporting and accountability difficult. Beginning January 1, 2018 ARES groups will need to sign up for their unique ARES identification number. This number will be utilized by the ARES Connect system and provide ARES groups with unique benefits (think club affiliation, but for ARES!).

Once ARES groups receive their identification numbers they will be eligible for benefits including:

  • ARES book sets (great for the EOC or Red Cross radio room)      
  • New ham referral
  • Early access to the annual ARES Report
  • Email forwarding, which will provide ARES groups that have a club callsign with a uniform "call"
  • More to come!
Groups that will need an ARES identification number include local level (city/county/district) and section level. Information about the ARES identification application process will be sent out the week before the application system opens.

If you have any questions, please contact ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, KI1U,

ARRL Public Service Enhancement Working Group
Dale Williams, WA8EFK

If you have any questions, I will attempt to answer them as info
becomes available.

I hope everyone in the section has a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year! (And just maybe, I'll get the station up and

Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW
Oklahoma Section Manager

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

W1AW 2017/2018 Winter Operating Schedule

Morning Schedule:

Time Mode Days
------------------- ---- ---------
1400 UTC (9 AM EST) CWs Wed, Fri
1400 UTC (9 AM EST) CWf Tue, Thu

Daily Visitor Operating Hours:

1500 UTC to 1700 UTC - (10 AM to 12 PM EST)
1800 UTC to 2045 UTC - (1 PM to 3:45 PM EST)

(Station closed 1700 to 1800 UTC (12 PM to 1 PM EST))

Afternoon/Evening Schedule:

2100 UTC (4 PM EST) CWf Mon, Wed, Fri
2100 " " CWs Tue, Thu
2200 " (5 PM EST) CWb Daily
2300 " (6 PM EST) DIGITAL Daily
0000 " (7 PM EST) CWs Mon, Wed, Fri
0000 " " CWf Tue, Thu
0100 " (8 PM EST) CWb Daily
0200 " (9 PM EST) DIGITAL Daily
0245 " (9:45 PM EST) VOICE Daily
0300 " (10 PM EST) CWf Mon, Wed, Fri
0300 " " CWs Tue, Thu
0400 " (11 PM EST) CWb Daily

Frequencies (MHz)
CW: 1.8025 3.5815 7.0475 14.0475 18.0975 21.0675 28.0675 147.555
DIGITAL: - 3.5975 7.095 14.095 18.1025 21.095 28.095 147.555
VOICE: 1.855 3.990 7.290 14.290 18.160 21.390 28.590 147.555


CWs = Morse Code practice (slow) = 5, 7.5, 10, 13 and 15 WPM
CWf = Morse Code practice (fast) = 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 13 and 10 WPM
CWb = Morse Code Bulletins = 18 WPM

CW frequencies include code practices, Qualifying Runs and CW

DIGITAL = BAUDOT (45.45 baud), BPSK31 and MFSK16 in a revolving
daily schedule.

Code practice texts are from QST, and the source of each practice is
given at the beginning of each practice and at the beginning of
alternate speeds.

On Tuesdays and Fridays at 2330 UTC (6:30 PM EST), Keplerian
Elements for active amateur satellites are sent on the regular
digital frequencies.

A DX bulletin replaces or is added to the regular bulletins between
0100 UTC (8 PM EST) Thursdays and 0100 UTC (8 PM EST) Fridays.

Audio from W1AW's CW code practices, CW/digital bulletins and phone
bulletin is available using EchoLink via the W1AW Conference Server
named "W1AWBDCT." The monthly W1AW Qualifying Runs are presented
here as well. The audio is sent in real-time and runs concurrently
with W1AW's regular transmission schedule.

All users who connect to the conference server are muted. Please
note that any questions or comments about this server should not be
sent via the "Text" window in EchoLink. Please direct any questions
or comments to

In a communications emergency, monitor W1AW for special bulletins as
follows: Voice on the hour, Digital at 15 minutes past the hour, and
CW on the half hour.

All licensed amateurs may operate the station from 1500 UTC to 1700
UTC (10 AM to 12 PM EST), and then from 1800 UTC to 2045 UTC (1 PM
to 3:45 PM EST) Monday through Friday. Be sure to bring your
current FCC amateur radio license or a photocopy.

The W1AW Operating Schedule may also be found on page 95 in the
November 2017 issue of QST or on the web at,

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Happy #VeteransDay to all who have served

Volunteer this Veterans Day

Veterans Day Poster
Saturday, November 11, is Veterans Day. You can show your appreciation for our Nation’s veterans by volunteering.

As the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) notes, “We may never be able to repay them for their sacrifice, but we can show them just how much we appreciate all that they have done.” Observe Veterans Day by volunteering your time to honor America’s service members. The VA offers several ways to volunteer:

For more information, visit The American Red Cross also has volunteer opportunities for those that want to support military families. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Enid #hamrfest highlights announced #ARRL #hamradio

EARC Always There - Always Ready
Saturday, November 4th, 8:00AM - 3:00 PM

Hoover Building, Garfield County Fairgrounds, 305 E Oxford Ave.
One block west of U.S. 64 (N 4th St).
Coordinates: (36.42796, -97.87545)

TALK-IN: 147.3750 (+) No PL (N5LWT)
NOTE: The EARC primary repeater is in the process of being relocated and is currently NOT on the air so we will be using the 147.375 repeater owned by N5LWT.

$3 per person - Wrist Band & One Drawing Ticket
Free under age 12 if accompanied by adult
Show wristband for re-entry

$1 per ticket, or ten for $7 Good for all hourly drawings, plus grand prize drawing at 2:00

HOURLY DRAWINGS from 9:00 to 1:00. 
(Must be present to win)
Drawing for unclaimed prizes at 2:00.

(No need to be present to win)

$3 per table*
*Tables are 4-ft units
Set-up times:
• Friday, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
• Saturday, 6:30-8:00 a.m.
Reserved tables will be held until 8 a.m., then rented in order of request.  All table renters must have an admission wristband.
See Bill/W5EIY (580-716-4788)

6:30 to 8:00—TABLE SET-UP
8:00 to 10:30—FREE COFFEE BAR
11:30 to 1:00—FREE LUNCH
ARRL/ARES FORUM 10:00-11:00 a.m.
  • Kevin O'Dell/N0IRW, Oklahoma Section Manager
  • Mark D. Conklin/N7XYO Section Emergency Coordinator
FREE* LUNCH 11:30 to 1:00
Beans and cornbread and/or hot dogs with relishes, condiments and beverages.
Even spoons and napkins! (What a classy bunch.)
*Of course, if you insist on giving us a donation…well, okay.

1:00 p.m.
• All ARS grades
• $14 per exam
• Show two IDs
• If upgrading, provide a copy of your current license
• W5YI VE testing


SUNDAY November 5 3:00 to 6:30pm

The Enid Amateur Radio Club will be doing Community Service with The Enid Welcome Table at Central Christian Church located at 1111 West Broadway, Enid.
Enid Welcome Table is a community meal on Sunday evenings for anyone wanting food and company.
Every Sunday a local community organization will prepare a meal in the Central Christian Church Kitchen.
The Volunteer Organization will arrive at 3pm to prepare the meal and the meal will be served at 4:30 until everyone is served.
Please come join the EARC as we have a conversation with our community.

The EARC meets monthly on the third Thursday at 7:00 p.m., at the Salvation Army Citadel, Fellowship Hall, 220 West Pine Avenue, Enid

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

K5EOK reveals TWO #Scouts stations in #OKC area @Scouting

All are welcome to join Jamboree on the Air at Camp John Nickels!

John Dronberger, N5YZA, provided information for Camp John Nickels in southwest Oklahoma City:

I will be at SW 119 and County Line Road at Camp john Nickels, that is the south west side of OKC.  Doug Cook, KX5DC, WA6LBU and I N5YZA we be there Friday afternoon and all day Saturday.  All are welcome to come.

We will be using the call WB5BSA, the troop club call for Troop 850 in Guthrie.  We will be operating on 40 meters and 20 meters depending on band conditions, 7.190 and 14.290, or were ever there is a troop to talk to.  We hope to see you there or on the air.


All are welcome to join in the Largest Scouting Event in the World - right here in Edmond!

Over 1.3 million youth participating with over 11,000 stations operated by 20,000 amateur radio operators from 150 countries worldwide!  Everyone is welcome to visit and see Amateur Radio as well as operate a radio.  Licensed operators are also requested to visit and help.

Our club member (and amateur radio merit badge counselor) Roger Bullock, KC0OOX sent the following information:

I will be at the location on Friday the 20th at 9 pm to set up the antennas and unload equipment into the building.  I will then return at 7 am on the 21st to get everything up and running.  The event will open to the youth at 9 am and run until the last group leaves which has been at 5 pm the past two years.

There will be 4 stations set up.
-HF Phone
-HF Digital
-Experimental Station

Experimental station is for hams to bring any project they would like to work on or test whether it be radio, antenna, etc.  This allows for club members to visit and help each other on various projects and invite the youth to get more hands on should they want to help.

If club member would like to assist the youth in operating the radios at the stations as they make contacts, that would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me.

Roger Bullock Jr.  KC0OOX

Saturday, October 14, 2017

#Skywarn Training Topic @RadarScope at #Tulsa #hamradio meeting

Radar Scope Fans... You don't want to miss this!
Join us for the next TRO meeting on
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
and the program to be presented by Steve Miller - WX5RFD
Senior VP of Marketing for
Weather Decision Technologies.
RadarScope being one of their products.

Delta Cafe
beginning at 1900 (7 PM).
Come early for dinner on your own, we'll be near the back.

Thanks to Mark, N7XYO for this information

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Route 66 special event - Highway to a DX Party! | Southgate Amateur Radio News

The Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club of San Bernardino, California, is once again hosting (probably one of the most fun special event activities) the 18th annual 'Route 66 On The Air' special event between September 9-17th.  

The purpose of this event is to offer amateur radio operators a fun way to "Relive the Ride" of their own memories of Route 66, and to celebrate the highway's 91st anniversary. 

The U.S. Highway 66 established in 1926, was the first major improved highway to link the west coast with the nations heartland.

Through stories, songs, and TV shows, the highway came to symbolize the spirit of the freedom of the open road, inspiring many to see America.

Look for the following 21 stations (two are rovers) operating in or around the major cities along the old "Route 66" from Santa Monica, California, to Chicago, Illinois:
Stations   City   Clubs/Individuals
-------- -------------------- -------------------------
W6A   Santa Monica, CA   Westside Amateur Radio Club
W6B   Los Angeles, CA   Westside Amateur Radio Club
W6C   San Bernardino, CA   Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club
W6D   Victorville, CA   Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club
W6E   Barstow, CA   Barstow Amateur Radio Club
W6F   Kingman, AZ   K2 Amateur Radio Society
W6G   Flagstaff, AZ  Northern Arizona DX Association
W6H   Albuquerque, NM   Albuquerque DX Association
W6I   Amarillo, TX   Panhandle Amateur Radio Club
W6J   Elk City, OK   Route 66 Amateur Radio Association
W6K   Oklahoma City, OK   W6K Oklahoma City
W6L   Tulsa, OK   Tulsa Amateur Radio Club
W6M   Riverton, KS   Jim Cochran, K0RH
W6N   Joplin, MO   Joplin Amateur Radio Club
W6O   Lebanon, MO   Lebanon Amateur Radio Club
W6P   St. Louis, MO   St. Louis Amateur Radio Club
W6Q   Chicago, IL   Six Meter Club of Chicago
W6R   Springfield, MO   Southwest Missouri Amateur RC
W6U   Wilmington, IL   Wilmington Area Amateur Radio Club

W6S ROVER 1 Northern Arizona DX Association
W6T ROVER 2 Northern Arizona DX Association

Special event stations are expected to be found in the vicinity of the following frequencies. (Look for digital modes in the standard band segments for such mode) All frequencies +/- QRM:
CW - 3533, 7033, 10110, 14033, 18080, 21033, 24900, 28033 and 50033 kHz
SSB - 3866, 7266, 14266, 18164, 21366, 24966, 28466 and 50166 kHz
Digi - 3580, 7070, 10140, 14070, 18100, 21070, 24920 and 28120 kHz

R66 MOBILE Operations - Any amateurs operating while actually driving
along Route 66 during the special event period are encouraged to take part in "Route 66 On The Air", by using the designation "mobile 66" for SSB or "/m66" for CW after their callsigns. All other amateur radio operators are welcome to contact these mobile operators.

REPEATERS - Some of the participating clubs will also be operating this
event from their local VHF/UHF repeaters. Check the ARRL repeater guide for possible repeater frequencies, if you're in the local area.

Each participating club will issue their own QSL card commemorating this event. QSL information is available on the Web at:

For more details about the event and the certificate that is available, please visit the "Route 66 OTA Site" at:

Thanks to Southgate for this information.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dam Jam ham plans

The Dam J.A.M. Bicycle Tour is set for September 9

The Tulsa Repeater Organization Communications team will (tentatively, pending vote of the club) be in Pryor to provide support to provide communications between checkpoints of the bicycle tour over a large part of Northeastern Oklahoma.

To volunteer to help with this event or for more information, contact TRO Activities Chairman - Kenneth Baucum - KG5CBM at 918-271-1435

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Oklahoma QSL Card Bureau

A draft of new rules were explained at the Ham Holiday OKDXA meeting regarding  changing the envelopes and postage. I received an envelope this week with the following information:

#1) Effective Sept 1, 2017 the W5 Incoming buro must be self supporting and they are no longer accepting SASE's from users.  Instead you can simply send money and they will print your envelopes with postage for you.  Send $20 (anything beyond the $20 will be considered a donation to cover other buro related expenses.)

You can send money via PayPal:
PayPay (send money to a friend - to

Or by USPS:
P.O. BOX 1060
Mounds OK 74047

Please make sure your callsign is evident by either method used.

#2) Rates are increasing to $1.00 per envelope to keep up with increasing postage expenses, miscellaneous supplies and printing.  The $20 you send will provide for 20 envelopes and any additional funds you send will be considered a donation toward general bureau expenses (like a PO box and other things!)  If you want a 2 or 3 ounces per mailing please make sure to provide your sorter with a batch of "Additional Ounce" (penguin) stamps to keep on file for you.

If your a high-volume user, such as a DX Expeditioner or a high-scoring contestor you may want many ounces per mailing.  One envelope with a single forever stamp will carry about 6 cards.  With the "Additional Ounce" postage it can transport about 12 to 14 cards.

#3) Everyone is reminded to contact the sorter for their callsign directly with questions or comments.  If you are unable to resolve a concern then you are welcome to contact the W5 Incomming Bureau Manager, Gene Lewis, W5LE.  Gene is available at

#4) Expect to see a strong push in the coming months by ARRL for all incoming bureaus to become self-sustaining.

If your wondering what this is all about:  The ARRL offers a service to members that drastically reduces the cost of sending QSL cards overseas.  You fill out your cards then mail a envelope full of them along with payment and they will forward the cards on to the overseas bureaus in bulk.  Those bureaus will send them using their local postal system.  This service alone justifies the ARRL membership dues if you send very many!  You can read more here:

Thanks to the Edmond Amateur Radio Society for this information.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Enid Hamfest coming in November

EARC Always There - Always Ready

2017 ENID HAMFEST Saturday, November 4th 8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Hoover Building Garfield County Fairgrounds
TALK-IN: 145.290 (-) No PL (W5HTK) Repeater is currently off the air so this may change. 

LOCATION: Hoover Building, County Fairgrounds, 305 E Oxford Ave. One block west of U.S. 64 (N 4th St). Coordinates: (36.42796, -97.87545)
GRAND PRIZES TBD: (Drawing at 2:00 p.m. from names of all attendees. No need to be present to win this grand prize.)
• PLUS ! dual band VHF/UHF handheld transceivers. (Each given in at hourly drawings. Must be present to win. One prize per attendee.)
LICENSING EXAMS • W5YI VE testing at 1:00 p.m. All license grades. $14 fee for each exam. Bring two forms of identification and, if testing for upgrade, bring a copy of your current radio license.
RAG-CHEW SESSIONS • On- and off-site
FREE FOOD • Donuts and hot beverages, 8 to 10:00 a.m. (Diabetic alternatives available) • Hot dogs and beans, condiments, beverages, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
TICKETS • Admission $3.00 per person. (Age 12 and under free if accompanied by adult.) Admission includes one drawing ticket. Extra tickets bundles available.
TABLES• $3.00 each. Request tables viaW5EIY (Bill) at 580-716-4788 or . Pre- reservedtables not claimed by 7:45 a.m. will go to others in order of request.

FOR VENDORS: Building will be open for set-up 6:30 - 8 p.m. Fri., and 6:30 - 8 a.m. Sat.
An ARRL-approved event, hosted by The Enid Amateur Radio Club.
For more  

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Moore National Night Out participation @NNOPDX2012 #NNO2017

Moore Emergency Management National Night Out effort 
Public information was available too.

Gayland Kitch, WX5MOR reported he is "one of several net control stations for our local Amateur Radio Emergency Services net."  The Moore group participated in National Night Out.

Did your group participate in "National Night Out"?

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Pittsburg County Amateur Radio Club sends welcome

The PCARC welcomes anyone who would like to attend and participate. 

We are located in McAlester Oklahoma, in the S.E. part of the state. 

The club is associated with Emergency Services, does weather watching stuff, Field Day stuff, and occasionally something worthwhile. We do License testing (honestly) monthly with a little notice. 

We are presently holding meetings  in McAlester at 1210 N. West St. just up the road from the maximum security Oklahoma state prison.

Thanks to Paul - W5LZ for this note.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Who will be at #hamholiday this weekend?

The Tower Hotel In NW Oklahoma City is the new venue for Ham Holiday 2017.

Go to for information on the 'Tower'.  Located on the Northwest Expressway and just east of I-44/Hefner Parkway, the 'Tower' is easily accessed from the NW Expressway coming from the east or west.

The exhibit hall is 10,000 sq ft; we'll be using around 8,500 this year....and the A/C works.  The seminar rooms are collocated with the exhibit hall.

Parking for +1,000 cars; dedicated entrance to the convention area lobby; large pre-event area; easy access from unloading area to the exhibit hall.

We'll be posting photos on the Ham Holiday website with more visual detail of the new venue.

We are inviting several 'food trucks' from the OKC area to be at HH on Saturday from 8 AM to 2 PM.
There are several eateries within walking and short driving distance of the 'Tower'.

Thanks to Thomas Webb, WA9AFM/5 for this information

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Winlink (Radio Message Service) for the next ELMER Class!

Winlink is a world-wide system used by hams to transfer e-mail via radio and is heavily relied upon by hams at sea (maritime mobile) and by amateur radio emergency communications.  It is also used by MARS and Homeland Security.  At Field Day Brian Teters sent messages to the City of Edmond Emergency Operations using Winlink!  Winlink uses standardized forms as well as the NTFS formatted messages.

Please join us Thursday July 20 at 6:30 PM at the club station, 28 E. Main, Edmond, room 219 for a presentation on the Winlink software by Brian Teters AE5MT.  Brian will explain the Winlink network and actually send a Winlink message.  We hope to see everyone there!

Sharon typing out a Winlink message

In this photo we see Sharon preparing to send a Winlink e-mail to earn bonus Field Day points.

Thanks to the Edmond Amateur Radio Society for this information.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Edmond Amateur Radio Club announces #FD2017 activities

ARRL Field Day Almost Here!

Field day dinner will be Saturday June 24 at 5:30 PM. If you plan to attend please RSVP to facilitate the order with our caterer Jimmy John's! This year is very different Jimmy John's is donating (some percentage) to the Edmond Amateur Radio Club! If you help with setup/dismantle or make/assist with 20 contacts during the contest you can eat for FREE! Otherwise, a monetary donation jar will be available to support the club and its Field Day expenses.
For those who are operating radios or helping in other roles we will also have Jimmy John's gourmet sandwiches available throughout the day and night! Woo hoo! And a huge thank you goes to Jimmy John's for the Party Platters and crazy fast delivery!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

OCAPA announces Field Day location #FD2017

On the weekend of June 24-25, amateur radio operators throughout North America will participate in
Field Day, a 24 hour communications drill.  Field Day, established in 1933, is sponsored by the
American Radio Relay League, the national amateur radio organization which represents the amateur
radio community in the United States.

Field Day tests amateur radio's ability to set up station is austere locations, successfully operate
them, and provides initial and recurring training in emergency communications for the amateur radio

In the Oklahoma City area, several amateur radio clubs will establish Field Day sites for this
event.  The Oklahoma City Autopatch Association (OCAPA) will establish its' Field Day site on the
east side of Lake Draper, Point 10, Area 2 on Saturday morning, June 24th.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

LibertyFest seeking volunteers!

The City of Edmond needs you for their biggest event of the year!

(Note: some dates are the same as Field Day - June 24/25)
All hams can register as a LibertyFest volunteer, please fill out the 2017 Liberty Fest Volunteer Form. Thank you for volunteering!

Anyone new to volunteer with LibertyFest will need to also provide their t-shirt size.  Otherwise, re-use the same t-shirt from the previous couple years.

If you have any questions, please contact Tyler Tassone, KD5SKS at

LibertyFest events:

  • Car Show - Saturday June 24 - 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
  • Rodeo Day 1 - Saturday June 24 - 4:30 PM to 11:00 PM
  • Rodeo Day 2 - Sunday June 25 - 4:30 PM to 11:00 PM
  • Taste of Edmond - Sunday July 2 - 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM
  • Fireworks Perimeter - Monday July 3 & Tuesday July the 4th
  • Parade - Tuesday July 4 - 5:30 AM to Noon
  • Fireworks - Tuesday July 4 - 5:00 PM to end of show (show start 9:00)

News from the American Radio Relay League