Saturday, August 20, 2016

Digital Help Session Announced #ARRL #hamradio

 "Ham Aide: Digital GOTA" will be presented on Saturday, 27 August, 9:00 AM at the Salvation Army Central Area Command (COAC) located at NW 10 & Penn in Oklahoma City. 

"We need know how many folks to expect, so please be in contact with David Downing, WD5G,  to let him know you plan to attend, which seminars you wanting to attend, and if you plan to stay for lunch.  This last point is important so we can make appropriate arrangements with the catering service.

 We are asking the catering service for a 'brown bag' lunch (deli-style sandwich, chips, and beverage) for around $5.

 The "Digital GOTA" will begin at 9:00 AM with an orientation to the facility, seminar administration,  and general comments and discussion.  The series of one hour seminars will begin at 10:00 AM and run till Noon.

 After a 30 minute lunch break, the final seminar will begin at 12:30 PM with a wrap-up/discussion session beginning at 1:30 PM.

 Participants can attend a seminar for each of the protocols (DMR/Fusion/D-Star); attend only one seminar or all seminars for a protocol/s of their choice; or attend a single seminar and then depart….the choice is up to you.  Information in each seminar will be repeated at each session.

 If you wish assistance in programming an HT, please bring the radio, programming cable, radio instruction manual, and a memory media (USB stick or SD card).  If you have a laptop with programming software already loaded, please bring the laptop, also.

 Even if you don't have a DMR/D-Star/Fusion radio, this is a great opportunity to 'get smart' on this new aspect of amateur radio.

 Mentors for "Digital GOTA" will be Mark Matalik, AE5DN for DMR; David Downing, WD5G for D-Star; and Duane Angles, AA5KD for Fusion.

Thanks to Tom WA9AFM for this information.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

2016 Fall Tech Class registration open! #ARRL #HamRadio

Field Day and Ham Holiday are over so now it’s time to prepare for our Entry Level Technician Class!  Our class begins September 13 and the book pick-up will be September 6.
Our club needs your help to inform the public of our Fall Technician Beginners course!  We are now offering this class twice a year to really focus on helping people get started in the hobby.  
If you live in a neighborhood with a Facebook page or other bulletin board please help by posting our class information.

If you can take a pamphlet to work, church, or a restaurant bulletin board or your next group meeting it would be helpful.

If you have children or young adults in school, ask them to give our class brochure to their math and science teachers, Vo-Tech teachers, or college instructors!  Have them ask for extra credit by passing the exam.

I’m asking for your help to connect the next budding ham with our class.  I’m asking for your help to get more Oklahomans familiar with and licensed as Amateur Radio Operators.  I’m asking for your help in the remote chance the first person on Mars is a Licensed Amateur Radio operator from Oklahoma!  And before we go to Mars there will be several manned test missions back to the moon – and hopefully one of those astronauts is an Oklahoma Ham!  How fun would it be if that happened!

I believe there are many interested in the hobby but they do not know where to get started, too shy to ask, and most likely don’t know what to search for!  If you enjoy the hobby, then please take a few minutes to share our class brochure in places where young ladies and young men can find it.

The enrollment form and syllabus for our class is at WWW.K5EOK.ORG on the “Classes” tab as well as our facebook site.

If you need anything from me to promote this class please send me an e-mail at or text or call me at 405-401-0106.  If you need me to create a different brocure for a different audience, please let me know.  Also – if you have experience with graphic art or marketing I could really use some help!

News from the American Radio Relay League