Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday Technician Class

The Aeronautical Center Amateur Radio Club (ACARC) will be offering amateur radio licensing classes on three upcoming Saturdays in April, followed by amateur Radio Licensing exams on the first Saturday in May. Bring a sack lunch if you wish or there are several fast food restaurants you can visit within a short distance. I'll have a list of those for you at the first meeting. These classes will be for the Technician class license which is the entry-level license that conveys all privileges on VHF and UHF frequencies, plus limited HF frequency and power privileges. These classes will be held during the three April Saturdays (April 5thApril 12th, and April 26th) from 8 AM to 4 PM with a one hour break at 11:30 for lunch. The fourth Saturday (May 3rd) will be a review at 10 AM (optional) followed by the exam at noon. The location of the classes and exam will be the Oklahoma City Fire Training Center, at 800 N. Portland. The building we are in is to the east, so you may park in the east parking lot, and go in either of the two east doors. The classroom we are in will be posted at the outside doors so you can't miss it.

 We do not charge for the classes, but do require that a book be either purchased or shared. You can order a book from the amateur radio national organization, the American Radio Relay League, (ARRL) at the following website. I can also pick up one for you from the FAA bookstore if you let me know a week in advance (limited quantities). The cost of these books will be 30.00. The ARRL Website to order books:

 This class typically is offered in the spring and fall of each year. It is available on-line as well. If you have any further questions, need directions, or otherwise, you can call me at the phone numbers below, or reach me at my email address.

 More late-breaking infomation may be posted at


 Paul Thompson N5PT

 405 833-2364 (cell)

 405 954-9044 (work)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

#ARRL Centennial QSO Party in #hamradio

"The ARRL Centennial QSO Party is a year-long operating event that celebrates hams making contacts. In the end you will have accumulated points, worked new stations and made new friends all over the world.

The Centennial QSO Party is made-up of two main activities: (1) W1AW operating portable in each state and most territories; and (2) The Centennial Points Challenge which is the accumulation of points from qualifying contacts made throughout 2014.  To have a score listed online in the Points Challenge competition, logs must be submitted through the  Logbook of the World (LoTW) system.

W1AW will be on the air from every state and most territories, and it will be easy to work WAS working only W1AW portable operations. This is the first ARRL-sponsored operating event where every member is worth at least one point, so work as many points as you can during 2014! Earn awards based upon points, working all states or working W1AW portable in every state and territory. This is an on-the-air event like no other."

Are you participating?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Are you coming to Durant on April 5? #ARRL #hamradio

            T A I L   G A T E   F E S T

        SATURDAY   APRIL  5,  2014
             CARL  ALBERT  PARK

         START  TIME: 0730hrs til ?
            ONSITE   RESTROOMS


Contact: Ken Eppler 580 920 5916 or Dave Barkley 580 434 701 for more information.  

All y'all come and have a great time in Durant

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tri-State Amateur Radio Group Hamfest #ARRL #hamradio

Come to Mooreland April 5 at 8 a.m. for the Tri-State Amateur Radio Group Hamfest and Amateur Radio Show.

Grab the flyer below and help spread the word.

Any questions, call Jay Kruckenberg  at  580-216-4190 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Girl Scout Day #ARRL #HamRadio

What do ham radio and Scouting have in common?

Perhaps a lot.  Today is Girl Scout Day.

"Girl Scout Day recognizes and celebrates the Girls Scouts of the USA(GSUSA). This date celebrates the creation of the first Girl Scout group on March 12, 1912."

There's been a lot written about amateur radio and Boy Scouts.

Are you reaching out to the Girl Scouts to help with with their radio merit badge?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Green Country Ham 2014 #ARRL #hamradio

Oklahoma Section Manager Kevin O"dell (N0IRW) (center)
is joined by Wilma O'Dell (W5WRO) and David Woolweaver, DDS
(K5RAV) at the American Radio Relay League booth.

Are you ready to join the Amateur RadoEmergency Service?  

John Robert Stratton (N5AUS) discusses ARES strategy with
Mark Conklin (N7XYO), the Oklahoma Section 

Did you misse the WW2OK and WW2SUB booth?

Rows and rows of items for sale awaited all who attended.
Thanks to Cindy Downes (K5CED), an Oklahoma Section Public Information Officer for the photographs.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Another Hour for #HamRadio #ARRL

On March 19 in 1918, Congress approved daylight-saving time"

"The date and time of all clock changes is determined by the week number in March or November and always happens at 2:00 a.m. on a Sunday. Clocks "spring" forward on the second Sunday in March, and "fall" back on the first Sunday in November."

That's right.  Daylight Savings Time was approved so one gets an extra hour of daylight in the evening.

Will you spend it on 10- and 15-meter openings to Asia?

In the mean time, don't forget to Spring Forward this weekend.

Spring News from @N0IRW #ARRL #HamRadio

Hello Oklahoma!!

I know I titled this Spring 2014 and there is lots of snow outside, but I’m trying to be optimistic…….(Think WARM…..WARM…..)  The bad part is in about 2 or 3 months we’ll be wondering where all the cool weather is!

The first couple of months of the new year have been VERY busy around the QTH.  We started taking care of the grandson again after Wilma retired again…..Then at the end of January Wilma had her left hip replaced.  She is doing very well.  She is walking a mile already(weather permitting) and chasing after the 2 ½ year old .   She would like to thank all of you that have sent along best wishes for her quick recovery.  I echo those thoughts as well.  It’s wonderful to have the fellowship of this hobby when things get a little rough.

Lots happening in the section.  Eddie Manley, K5EMS and I sliced out way through the fog on March 1st out to Elk City for the 25th anniversary of their hamfest.  It was well worth the trip.  It was well attended with some goodies I had to resist. I want to thank all the gang out at Elk City for their hospitality.  We all need to remember to support the local hamfests, no matter how small.  If they go away, we won’t have any hamfests to go to, and that would just suck!  There are some pics on the Section News page of the League website.

Speaking of hamfests, don’t miss Green Country this year, it is the West Gulf Division hamfest.  I’ll be ther along with Director Dr. David Woolweaver, K5RAV, Vice-Director John Stratton, N5AUS, from Headquarters, Norm Fusaro, W3IZ and Bob Heil, K9EID of Heil Sound.  It should prove to be a really great hamfest.

The other hamfests for 2014 include……….

TSARG Hamfest and Vintage Radio Exhibit

April 5th

Mooreland, OK

(Bring your old radios for display!)

Ham Holiday

July 25-26

Oklahoma City

Ada Hamfest

September 13th

Ada, OK

Texhoma Hamarama

October 24 - 25

Ardmore, OK

Enid Hamfest

November 1st

Enid, OK

In addition to these state hamfests, there are 2 others to talk about.  First is the Centennial Convention July 17 – 19 in Hartford, CT.  In case you missed it, the League is 100 years old this year and is celebrating with a 3 day convention.  It will be packed with forums, dealers, flea market items and opportunities to meet and greet like never before.  You will also have an opportunity to visit headquarters and W1AW!  If you have never been to headquarters, this is the excuse to go.  However……

If you can’t go to Hartford, (I can’t) then you definitely need to attend Ham-Com in Plano, TX this year.  This will be one of 6 Regional Centennial Conventions.  The West Gulf and Delta Divisions are teaming up to support this convention.  There will be a substantial league presence along with section and division representatives.  I’ll be there along with the other SM’s from both divisions.  So, mark your calendars for June 13 – 14 for Ham-Com Regional Centennial Convention.

West Gulf Awards

It is time to start considering your submissions for the WG 2014 Divisional Awards, which will be presented at the ARRL Regional Centennial Convention at HamCom in June.   Nominations for 2014 Award Winners will be accepted until April 15, 2014.  Nomination forms for each nominee (by category) must be supported by at least three ARRL members on the award nomination form, a minimum 150-word statement and any available supporting documentation.  Other rules do apply and can be found on the nomination forms.

The Division Awards judging panel consists of four (4) ARRL members, selected by each of the Section Managers in North Texas, Oklahoma, South Texas and West Texas Sections. The fifth judge is selected by the Division Director and may reside anywhere within the West Gulf Division.   Neither the Division Director nor the Vice Director will participate in the vote.

Nomination forms can be found at:

Oklahoma Memorial Marathon

Amateur operators are still needed for the OKC Memorial Marathon, Sunday April 27th from 6:30AM till around 1 or 2pm.  You can get all the information on registration from Mike Rockey, KE5EQC, Communications Chairman at

Centennial Stuff

As I said earlier, 2014 is the Centennial of the ARRL.  There a lot of neat things coming for the year.  The first one is the Centennial edition of the ARRL Handbook. The hardback version is already sold out!!  If you haven’t gotten a handbook recently, this is the year to do it.

The ARRL Centennial Video “The ARRL at 100” is complete and is available for purchase from HQ or you can watch it on YouTube at :   This is a very good production available for use at your local club meeting, hamfest and broadcast and cable television outlets.  The video is an overview of the ARRL’s first 100 years.  I think you will like it.

(If you watch all the way through, you might just see me!)

Don’t forget the Centennial QSO Party going on all year.  There a lot of different things to do in that event.  I’m even worth points!  You can find out all about it at:

In fact you can find out about all the Centennial events at:  (You probably guessed that one….)

Other Goodies

If you would like to have a copy of the new 5 Pillars Talking Points PowerPoint presentation, just let me know and I’ll email one to you.  This PowerPoint is great for all kinds of presentations and is editable as to how many of the parts you would like present.

The public relations training course PR-101 is undergoing a revision and will be released by Dayton, if not before.  It looks to be in a PowerPoint format.  This way, you can not only take it in a more enjoyable, visual mode, but it will lend itself to classroom presentations as well.

Field Day 2014

This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase Amateur Radio to the public and use the Centennial as a hook for the media exposure.  There will be additional PR materials for your use.

PLEASE!!! Don’t forget to enter your Field Day operation on the League Field Day Station Locater at :  I’m not sure just yet where I’ll be traveling to, but if your operation isn’t on the locater site, I won’t know where you are to possibly show up.  This is also a good time to try and get the inactive hams in your area out and get them re-invigorated.  You can also get the new hams on HF and get them hooked for good, not to mention upgraded.

One More Thing….

If your club is an affiliated club with the League, you need to make sure you update the clubs information on the league website at least once a year.  We have a number of clubs in the section that are on the verge of no longer being affiliated.  So, get your info updated NOW!

I look forward to seeing all of you at one of the hamfests or other events around the section this year.  Thanks again for all you do for Amateur Radio in Oklahoma!


Kevin O’Dell, N0IRW

Oklahoma Section Manager

News from the American Radio Relay League