A couple of things about the show this year.
1. I want to thank the League for the donation of the "Operating Manuals" to the new licencees last year. I thought that was a great welcome gift. Hopefully we can do something similar this year. I am looking to get the committee to approve a newcomers prize for each test session. Allow the applicants possibly just the ones getting their first license a chance to win one of those $35.00 Baofeng dual band HT's. The HT's we will be giving away for hourly prizes are Yaseu FT-60R's and a little more expensive.
I think we have Yaesu talked into putting up a display this year, and Elecraft may be coming too. ICOM won't be there. Too bad we would have made third prize a 7100 D-Star all band all mode mobile. Since they said no, we are going with a Yaseu FT-897D.
2. On Friday night we are considering for the 6:00 - 7:00 time frame having an ARRL meet and informal Q&A session in the forum room. We are going to have Norm Fusaro from HQ there, and would like you and any other section managers that are present there, plus if Dr. Woolweaver is there on Friday night, have him in there. Also if y'all don't mind have Bob Heil hang out with you too. I would probably have Mark N7XYO emcee the thing.
BTW we open to the public at 16:00 on Friday this year.
President Green Country Hamfest