Wednesday, February 26, 2014

High Frequency Iinteroperability Exercise set

Radio operators all over the world will be on the air for this international communications preparedness exercise, using Automatic Link Establishment (ALE). 

This year's HFIE-2014 will be 27 MARCH to 7 APRIL

HFIE, as it is known, happens several times per year and is sponsored by HFLINK.COM and the Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) organization.

More information will be posted soon on HFLINK forum and websites.

Bonnie Crystal KQ6XA
International Coordinator
Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Who is going to the #ARRL hamfest in Elk City? #hamradio

25th Elk City Hamfest
March 1, 2014
Community Civic Center
Elk City, Oklahoma
8:00 A. M. - ?????? P. M.
ARRL Testing 1:00 P.M.
Hamburger Supper Friday night!
Set up Friday Afternoon until 9:00 P.M.
$5.00 Table
$5.00 Reg. fee


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

News from @K5RAV #ARRL #hamradio

The West Gulf Division director's newsletter is available.

A Portable Document Format reader is required to read it.

Edmond Club announces events

General License Study Class from N5ZY

EARS Club Station, Edmond Community Center
Edmond Community Center located at 28 East Main Street, in the heart of
downtown Edmond.

Tuesday nights 6:30 to 8:30 PM March 11 and Saturday April 29

$25.00 which includes the ARRL textbook with CDROM, Pay at the door.

$15.00 test fee, payable at time of test
9:30 AM at the EARS Club Station Saturday May 3.
FCC Exam sessions are provided monthly at the EARS club and other clubs in
the metro area

How to register:
*2014 Spring 2nd Level (General) Licensing Class Enrollment Form*. To fill
it out, visit:

Or you can go to the web site, click the classes tab
and fill-in the PDF form to e-mail to me or US Mail to me.

73 N5ZY Marcus

Monday, February 10, 2014

Are you going to #ElkCityOK

25th Elk City Hamfest
March 1, 2014
Elk City, Oklahoma
8:00 A. M. - ?????? P. M.
ARRL Testing 1:00 P.M.
Hamburger Supper Friday night
$5.00 Table
$5.00 Reg. fee

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy Weather Person's Day #ARRL #hamradio #Skywarn @spiltz @ounwcm

Who is your favorite weather person?  Is it someone with the National Weather Service?  It is one of the media meteorologists?

With a long standing partnership with amateur radio in the Skywarn program, it would not be a surprise to know that amateur radio operators in Oklahoma have a weather person or two they appreciate.

Yes, "February 5 is National Weatherperson's Day"

Yes, there's a special event station for that:

  • 02/08/2014 | National Weatherman's Day Special Event Station

    Feb 8, 1400Z-2100Z, W5QX, San Angelo, TX. San Angelo Amateur Radio Club. 14.240 146.940 PL 103.5. Certificate. SAARC, PO Box 4002, San Angelo, TX 76902.

Who are you appreciating today?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Notes from WB5OSM

A couple of things about the show this year.

1.  I want to thank the League for the donation of the "Operating Manuals" to the new licencees last year.  I thought that was a great welcome gift.  Hopefully we can do something similar this year.  I am looking to get the committee to approve a newcomers prize for each test session.  Allow the applicants possibly just the ones getting their first license a chance to win one of  those $35.00 Baofeng dual band HT's.  The HT's we will be giving away for hourly prizes are Yaseu FT-60R's and a little more expensive.

I think we have Yaesu talked into putting up a display this year, and Elecraft may be coming too.  ICOM won't be there.  Too bad we would have made third prize a 7100 D-Star all band all mode mobile.  Since they said no, we are going with a Yaseu FT-897D.

2.  On Friday night we are considering for the 6:00 - 7:00 time frame having an ARRL meet and informal Q&A session in the forum room.  We are going to have Norm Fusaro from HQ there, and would like you and any other section managers that are present there, plus if Dr. Woolweaver is there on Friday night, have him in there.  Also if y'all don't mind have Bob Heil hang out with you too.  I would probably have Mark N7XYO emcee the thing.  

BTW we open to the public at 16:00 on Friday this year.   

President Green Country Hamfest

News from the American Radio Relay League