The Great Salt Plains Amateur Radio Club Hog Roast is set for April 21st from 8 am to 4 pm
Place: The KB0HH Bunkhouse, 1.5 miles north of the Byron Fish Hatchery, 3 1/5 miles north of HW 11 on 710 road (2710), 45 miles NW of Enid, 50 +- miles West of Blackwell, 90 miles SW of Wichita, 30 miles East of Alva, EM06vu, 36.8605 N, 98.1792 W, look KB0HH up on .. .. it has a map available
Call Us: 147.300, 103.5 tone, 620-845-0599 - My Cell .. .. Look for Towers!!
I am Cooking: Some Pork Roast .. .. aka .. .. Bunkhouse Pulled Pork : Also some Bunkhouse Baked Beans, Not for the weak of heart .. .. : Paper and Plastic Ware are provided
You Bring: Something to eat with Bunkhouse Pulled Pork and Baked Beans
*We will also have a hidden transmitter hunt! Bring your hand held antennas and HT
*WC0X will do his best to have a demo on satellite communication.
*There may be some free commercial radios for the taking .. .. bring a list of the VHF and UHF ham frequencies you might need. Mike will program them for us
*Bring your excess equipment .. .. no charge for tailgating!
*This is strictly a social event. All those attending will become Vice President of the organization. We will have no President, no Secretary, no responsibilities other than being social. No dues, no meetings .. .. I love this organization!
Thanks to Gerb, KB0HH for this report.