Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oklahoma Online Resources

Do you know about these Oklahoma resources for amateur radio operators?

You found this blog so there's no need to mention it.

Are you aware of:
These are just a few of the ways Oklahoma hams are staying connected.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Contact

In the last Tulsa Amateur Radio Club meeting, Dan Threlkeld (KF5FSL), a local weather man for Channel 2, gave a presentation to the club. Dan also got to make his first amateur radio contact with 11 year old Electra (KB3RGE).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Now Hear This

Harold Kramer, COO for the ARRL, talks about the Board of Directors,
it's structure, uniqueness and this week's meeting.

Check it out,

and the other postings too

at "Now Hear This"


Allen Pitts, W1AGP

Media & PR Manager

ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio

225 Main St. Newington, CT 06111

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oklahoma Section News Update

From Section Manager Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW, here's your update of
Oklahoma Section activity:


I hope you all made it through the food and festivities without
gaining more than a new piece of ham gear......if not, you will have
the chance to get that piece of gear soon.

Upcoming Hamfests

February 5th – Ada Hamfest
March 5th – Elk City Hamfest
March 11th & 12th – Green Country Hamfest

I will be in attendance at all 3 of these events and having a League
Forum at each. I look forward to seeing you there.
The National Weather Service Severe Weather Workshop is the first week
in March. Mike Corey, the head of Emergency Communications and
Preparedness at HQ will be in attendance all week. I will be there
part of the time along with the SEC and a few others helping Mike man
the booth. If you are in attendance, make sure you drop by and say

The Saturday spotter training will be well attended I'm
sure……..however some of us will be in Elk City that day………..

Viking Radio Club News – This group in Lawton is really doing some
great stuff for the kids in the area getting them turned on to
wireless communication. If you can find a way to support them, please

Good Morning Viking Parents and supporters of the Viking Radio Club, KF5CRF
On Thursday we met with the Eisenhower Middle School Viking Radio Club
and presented a UTUBE video developed by KF5BOC. The young looking
Astronaut Col. Wheelock from aboard the International Space Station
(ISS) did an excellent job of both a tour and an amateur radio
demonstration. http://www.k0nr.com/wordpress/2010/12/nasa-amateur-radio-video-from-iss/

We did not have time to view the entire presentation, and this is
certainly a rare look into the ISS and worth viewing.. Several
Vikings were surprised to learn that amateur radio was aboard the ISS.
Some were even more surprised to learn that they can begin using
satellites with their very 1st license. Col. Wheelock's presentation
has proven to be a great lead-in as we begin to discuss amateur radio
and satellites.

It's great that so many amateurs are supporting the Viking effort as
they tune in to listen and make contact with the students during their
Saturday Amateur Radio Outreach Events from their local Kid's Zone
Park here in Lawton, OK, USA. Thank you for your continued support
and assistance.

This Saturday we are expecting temperatures in the high 50s with lots
of bright warm sunshine. Yes, you can get sunburn in the winter time.
Expect K5USA to begin setting up about 11am and operate until about
4pm (CST) (or 5pm if the temperature stays warm enough). The best
place to find the Vikings will be around 14.325 MHz +- 10 but we have
gone as low as about 14.280 MHz, looking for a clear frequency. If
you chime in, expect to be asked to support the upcoming School Club
Round-up held in February.

During the 2010 Fall SCR the Vikings racked some great school contacts and several foreign country contacts including Italy, Denmark, Argentina and a ship in the Pacific Ocean.  Most contacts were made using an antenna that consisted of $13 worth of wire stuck up 31' in the air. The Vikings are again looking
forward to talking with several schools from around the country.
Testing: Clifton Harper KE5YZB has arranged for a test session on
Thursday January 20th beginning about 4pm. Parents, students should
have a photo ID and their social security card/number with them.

Prior to the test, students will have a chance to experience Echolink,
a hybrid of amateur radio and Internet. Hopefully the K8DAR Boys and
Girls of Menominee, MI club will he "on the air" and we can make a

Good luck to Isaiah, Tasia, William, Rosetta, Sh'Kira, Laura, Marcos
and Itzel, KF5JAZ, who will be testing for General Class Operator, or
as Itzel puts it, "my generals". Everyone should keep studying,
especially over the weekend. Schools will be closed on Monday, in
celebration of MLK day, and temperatures will be in the 60s and that
means … Look for K5USA on Monday, January 17th as we will do a repeat
Outreach Event between 11am and 4 or 5pm CST. For Vikings that can
not participating at the park, invest in some study time. As they
have all learned, becoming an amateur radio operator is not easy and
requires some serious study time.

Books Presented To University Ham Clubs

On November 15th, your Section Manager presented a Set of Books to the
Oklahoma State University Amateur Radio Club (W5YJ). The set consisted
of a 2011 Handbook, Antenna Book, Operating Manual and Technician
License Manual. The books were presented to the club as a way of
showing League support for the organization. The books are to be kept
in the shack and used by the club members as needed.

I was accompanied by Assistant Section Manager, Jim Shideler, W5JCS.
We had a great time talking with the club members about the clubs
history and some of their current needs and plans.

Then on December 4th, I presented a set of the same books to the
Oklahoma University Amateur Radio Club (W5TC). This presentation was
mad at their station location on the observation deck of the National
Weather Center in Norman. Again, I enjoyed chatting with the students
and some members of the SCARS club that were present.

The books were presented by the Oklahoma Section with help from ARRL

Friday, January 14, 2011

January West Gulf Division Newsletter

News from David Woolweaver, K5RAV your West Gulf Division Director

---Jay Urish, W5GM, NTX SM re-elected

North Texas Section Manager Jay Urish, W5GM did not face opposition in
the 2010 Winter Section Manager elections and was declared elected for
the upcoming term of office beginning April 1, 2011.

With continuity in the North Texas leadership, Jay plans to continue
his work with SEC Walt Mayfield, KE5SOO, in strengthening the EmComm
system and in securing volunteer appointees to cover current vacancies.
 Jay also hopes to engage Amateurs and clubs in the North Texas section
by appointing a new Section Training Coordinator, whose primary
function will be to assist in the development of an education program
that puts amateur radio in front of young people.

As Section Manager, Jay looks forward to working with the WGD
Leadership in abolishing overly restrictive Home Owner Association
CC&R's and tower restrictions in the upcoming Texas legislative
session.   Additionally, local issues such as emergency preparedness,
membership growth not only in the ARRL but in clubs and, increasing
community awareness about the Amateur Radio service will remain high on
his agenda.

Over the past two years, tremendous strides have been made in the NTX
Section to improve communication, rebuild services that had been
eliminated or sorely lacked attention, and to build a team of
volunteers dedicated to making NTX even stronger.  If you would like to
join Jay in his efforts to expand these Amateur Radio initiatives,
please contact him at W5GM@arrl.org.

---John Dyer, AE5B, WTX SM retires

John Dyer, AE5B West Texas Section Manager, has announced that he
intends to retire June 30, 2011, at the conclusion of his current term.
 Dyer served as SM from 2002-2005 and was re-elected in 2007.  He will
serve until his planned retirement.

John's interests included ARES, RACES, and other aspects of Emergency
Communications since the 70's.  A week on the ground in Wichita Falls,
Texas in 1979 assisting W5GPO and his team during the aftermath of
Terrible Tuesday cemented a life-long relationship between John and
ARES.  Prior to becoming SM, John's  ARES activities included being
been both a County and District Emergency Coordinator.

Deservingly proud of the major accomplishments for the WTX section
during his tenure, John notes the accomplishments of WTX SEC J.T.
Caldwell, WA5ZFH and former WTX SEC Bob Ward, WA5ROE.  Thanks to J.T.
and Bob, ARES in West Texas is now a dynamic organization serving the
people of West Texas.  When John took office in 2002, WTX ARES was a
paper organization with little more than a set of cards resting in a
cigar box.  There were local pockets of organization but little or no
cohesion across the section. Over 300 hams in 34 counties are now
involved in the WTX ARES organization serving agencies throughout West
Texas.  John reflects back that it is the Field Service staff that
determines the success of a Section Manager noting, "They have made
me look good, but it is their hard work and dedication that we must

John is also an active DX'er with 357 DXCC countries worked and is
closing in on DXCC on Six Meters.  First licensed in 1961 as WN5ALB;
John upgraded to WA5ALB in 1962 and now enters his 50th year in amateur
radio and his 49th year as a member of the ARRL.  In fact, there were a
grand total of ten 40 meter CW QSO's in WN5ALB's log when John sent
$5.00 to HQ to join the ARRL.  John also holds ARRL appointments as a
VHF Awards Checker and HF Awards Checker.

John and his wife Carla K5RLA joined forces when John realized that
that being tied to the ARRL booth at the WTX Section Convention
restricted his ability to visit with the membership throughout the
building.  Their solution was for Carla to take responsibility for the
ARRL table, allowing John to work the convention floor.  It worked so
well that John gave her an appointment as an ASM, giving Carla deserved
credibility behind the table.  Then Director Coy Day, N5OK saw how well
it was working for the WTX section and "borrowed" her for the Texas
State Convention in Austin.  Carla and John have volunteered in the ARRL
booth at almost every major WG Hamfest since at their own expense.
Director Woolweaver promoted K5RLA to Assistant Director for Membership
in 2009 and John humorously notes that she now outranks him.

The West Gulf Division owes a debt of gratitude to John for his amazing
ARRL service throughout the years and wishes him well in his

---West Texas Section Manager Nominations

Nominating petitions for the West Texas Section Manager term beginning
July 1, 2011 are now available on the ARRL website and must be
submitted to HQ by March 4, 2011.  For more information see

---CC&R Relief Legislation Ready

The WG legislative team is working to file the CC&R Relief bills in
this Texas Legislative Session that it filed, to great support, in the
2009 Legislature. The team members are currently meeting with
Representatives and Senators to finalize the supporters and sponsors
for the bill. We intend to file the bill in the Senate and the House
within the next two weeks.

To obtain passage of the Texas CC&R Bill, it will be important for each
of you to contact your Representative and Senator – when asked to so.
Please wait until the Bill is actually filed. Concerted contact is more
effective than random contacts.

You should expect to receive E-Mail notices providing updates and
requesting action. You will also be able keep up to date at
www.WestGulfLegislation.org and www.WestGulfDivision.org

Depending on recommendations from Kevin O'Dell, OK SM, we may file a
duplicate of the Texas CC&R Bill in the Oklahoma Legislature. Stay
                       (John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, Vice Director)

---The Texas Legislature Convenes

The Texas legislature is a bicameral body composed of a 31 member
Senate and a 150-member House of Representatives.  The legislature
meets in regular session on the second Tuesday in January and each odd
numbered year.  The Texas Constitution limits the regular session to
140 calendar days.  The Lieutenant governor, elected statewide
separately from the Governor, presides over the Senate, while the
Speaker of the House is elected from that body by its members.   The
Lt. Governor this session is David Dewhurst-R and the Speaker is Joe
Straus-R San Antonio.  The Texas legislature convenes in Austin on
January 13, 2011.
(Information provided by Texas Legislature on Line)

During the course of the legislature, you may be asked to contact your
Representative or Senator to request their support for the WG CC&R
Relief legislation and, possibly, to support other legislation that
compliments the CC&R Relief bill.  Be ready for the call.  If the WG
legislative efforts are to succeed, everyone must be willing to help.

---West Gulf Leadership operates W1AW

Director Woolweaver and Vice Director Stratton will be operating from
W1AW IN Newington, CT on Tuesday, January 18th from 12:00 PM to 2:45 PM
CST and again on Wednesday, January 19th from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM CST.
Look for the WG "Boys" on plus or minus 14.240 Mhz USB.  They will
be calling, "CQ West Gulf Division".  If you ever wanted to make a
contact with W1AW, now is your chance.  QSL 100%  Real time posting of
frequency and operating reports will be made on the West Gulf Facebook
Page at "ARRL – West Gulf Division" and at twitter.com/N5AUS.

---Upcoming Hamfests

01/14/2011  Cowtown Hamfest
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Lockheed Martin Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://www.cowtownhamfest.org

01/22/2011  San Antonio Amateur Radio Fiesta
Location: Schertz, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: San Antonio Radio Club
Website: http://w5sc.org

02/05/2011  Ada Hamfest
Location: Ada, OK
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Ada Amateur Radio Club

02/12/2011  Williamson County Amateur Radio Club
Location: Georgetown, TX
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Williamson County Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://www.wcarc.com

03/05/2011  West Central Oklahoma Amateur Radio Club
Location: Elk City, OK
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: West Central Oklahoma Amateur Radio Club

03/05/2011  South Texas Section Convention (Greater Houston Hamfest)
Location:  Rosenberg, TX
Type:  ARRL Convention
Sponsor:  Brazos Valley Amateur Radio club
Website:  http://www.houstonhamfest.org

03/11/2011  Oklahoma Section Convention (Green Country Hamfest)
Location:  Claremore, OK
Type:  ARRL Convention
Sponsor:  Green Country Hamfest, Inc.
Website:  http://www.greencountryhamfest.org

03/12/2011  Ninth Annual IARC Hamfest
Location:  Irving, TX
Type:  ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor:  Irving Amateur Radio Club
Website:  http://www.irvingarc.org/iarchamfest.html

03/19/2011  West Texas Section Convention (56th Annual St Patrick's
Day Hamfest)
Location:  Midland, TX
Type:  ARRL Convention
Sponsor:  Midland Amateur Radio club
Website:  http://www.hamfest.w5qgg.org

04/02/2011 HamEXPO
Location:  Belton, TX
Type:  ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor:  Temple Amateur Radio Club
Website:  http://www.beltonhamexpo.org/

ARRL West Gulf Division
Director: David A Woolweaver, K5RAV

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ham Radio in the news

Did you notice the amateur radio item from New Mexico?

"the county got a taste of just how important amateur radio can be twice this last month, when two telephone outages killed 911 service"

This post is not about emergency communications ... it's about Public Information.

Your friends know what you do.  Does the Section?  The Oklahoma section does SO much besides emergency communications.

Are you having license classes?  How about a special event station?  Are you celebrating the anniversary of your club?

This blog is in place to give you a place to get the word out to Oklahoma about what you are doing ... what your club is doing ... in Oklahoma.

How about dropping a note to your section leadership and let them know you are doing something?  You know you are.

News from the American Radio Relay League