Tuesday, February 11, 2025

SM049 – Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Re-Introduced

Legislation Will Increase Communication Options During Natural Disasters

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and Richard Blumenthal, D- Conn., and Representatives August Pfluger, R-Tex., and Joe Courtney, D-Conn. announced their joint re-introduction of legislation in the Senate and House to restore the right to Amateur Radio operators to install the antennas necessary to serve their communities.

Here in Oklahoma, we ask all amateur radio clubs and individuals to visit https://ok.arrl.org/hoa/. This page has all of our contact information and template letters. Please note that all letters should be sent to the email and address listed. Letters emailed to legislators tend to get lost in the cleansing process. ARRL will aggregate these letters and deliver them directly to our senators and representatives. If you don’t live in an HOA, please complete a letter to make sure those in the HOAs will be there to contact you.

Please fill out the letters as soon as possible.

Monday, January 20, 2025

SM048 – Winter Field Days

Winter Field Day is among us. Field days are a great way to learn how to operate your radios or other peoples’ radios. Typically, a field day operation starts mid-day on Saturday and operates for 24 hours straight. I’ve listed all the Winter Field Day sites I’m familiar with, so you can join the fun no matter where you live. Also, you can operate from your house to contact as many folks as possible. More information (and the new rules for this year) are available at https://winterfieldday.com/. Visit one of these sites, or fire up your radio to make some noise on HF!


Oklahoma City Emergency Management will be standing up an Outdoor “2O” Winter Field Day operation on Saturday, January 25th, from 10 a.m. to Sunday, the 26th, at 3:30 p.m. You are invited to drop by and visit or sign up to operate.

Location: 4600 N M L King –  The OKC Regional Multi-Agency Coordination Center RMAC/EOC. The operation will be in a tent above the underground facility with a generator-providing 120 VAC source. ( …and some heat) Come to the second gate east of M L King on Meyers Place and press the intercom button. You can’t miss the huge, heavily loaded radio tower site.

Lt David Storer and Officer Kevin Long are providing this as an opportunity for those who volunteered and attended the AUXCOMM training course to begin completing activities required in their Position Task Books.  But you do not have to be one of their volunteers to come by and visit or operate. If you wish to sign up to operate one of the stations, you can do so. The link to sign up is


Times are set up in 6-hour blocks to help them with scheduling operators.

No food will be provided.  Operators should bring sufficient food to be self-sustaining, as per the training for deployments.



Event by Mid-Del Amateur Radio Club
Joe B. Barnes Regional Park
8700 E Reno Ave, Midwest City, OK 73130
Duration: 2 days
Public  · Anyone on or off Facebook

The Winter Field Day event runs on Saturday and Sunday. We are still making plans, so times are subject to change. We will finalize our schedule at our Monday, 1/13 club meeting.

The Mid-Del Amateur Radio Club will host a public Winter Field Day event on Saturday, 1/25, and Sunday, 1/26.

We will be open to the public on Saturday from Noon to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm.

All are welcome to visit, chat, observe, or get on the air.

On Saturday, we will also hold a VE Test session from 3 to 5 p.m. for those wishing to obtain or upgrade their Amateur Radio license.

Where: Joe B Barnes Regional Park in Midwest City. South of the Fred Quinn Happy Trails Dog Park. 8517 E Reno Ave, Midwest City, OK 73110. Look for the Mid-Del Club banner.


The day will help enhance the essential skills of those who generously volunteer their time and equipment to these organizations. Preparedness is the key to a professional and timely response during any event, and local and state authorities expect this when they reach out to emergency service groups that offer their services.

Members: Setup will be on Saturday at 10  a.m. All help will be appreciated. Tear down will begin at 4 p.m. on Sunday.

Please come by and help with the event if you are available. Also, please bring your own chair, as the club chairs will be dedicated to operator use, testing, and guests.



The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club (TARC) will operate Winter Field Day at Haikey Creek Park,

11327 S Garnett Rd, Broken Arrow, OK 74011-9600, starting at noon on Saturday.



Name: Tecumseh Amateur Radio Club

Callsign: KD5WAV

Category: O

Visitors are welcome!

We will be operating on the oval of Oklahoma Baptist University and would love for people to come by and observe and ask questions.



Crossroads Amateur Radio Club

Callsign: AD5MC

Category: O

Visitors are welcome! See info below for more details.

Winter Field Day January 25-26th

Lake Eufaula State Park at Yurt on Longhorn Loop

Talk in on 146.52 or KB5QAI repeater 443.9750 +5 PL 100.0





Name: Bartlesville Amateur Radio Club

Callsign: W5NS

Category: I

Visitors are welcome!



The public is welcome to visit on Saturday, although the best time to see the action is from Noon to about 5 pm.

We are planning on being at Cabin 3. Look for vehicles with antennas on them.

Hams: Talk-in frequency will be the 146.655 repeater (88.5hz PL).

Note: All vehicles are required to pay to park at the park. There are signs to pay for parking or visit the office as you enter. Seniors and Veterans, please let them know as there are discounts. For more information, call the park office at Osage Hills State Park | TravelOK.com – Oklahoma’s Official Travel & Tourism Site



Name: West Central Ok Amateur Radio Club

Callsign: K5WCO

Category: I

Visitors are welcome!


Visitors welcome!

105 Alee Dr, Elk City, OK

The building is open Friday afternoon/Saturday morning for setup.

VE Testing 1:00 PM Saturday, pre-register on the website.. no fee to test

Saturday, June 1, 2024

SM045 - Field Day is Coming

Here comes the Amateur Radio Superbowl! This year, the weekend will be June 22-23, 2024. Field Day is where tens of thousands of amateur radio operators get on the air to test their emergency operation abilities. It’s also a great place to teach or learn about amateur radio modes that you may not have tried. “Bring someone to Field Day” this year and share your passion. More information about ARRL’s Field Day is available online at https://www.arrl.org/field_day. You can also find a local Field Day on the ARRL site by logging in and visiting https://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator. Publicize your local Field Day site by adding a station at  https://www.arrl.org/field_days/add, and you’ll be on your way!

ARRL Digital Systems

In case you’re concerned about the digital outage at ARRL-land, there’s some background at

https://ok.arrl.org/sm044-arrl-digital-infrastructure-issues/. Systems are starting to come back online. The phone system was restored last week, W1AW started automated operations, ARRL store orders started shipping last week, ARRL FCC tests were uploaded last week, and the https://contests.arrl.org/ site came back online for the upcoming VHF contest and the ARRL International Digital Contest (others to be backfilled.) Logbook of The World (LoTW) and the learning site are still offline.

Ham Holiday – Oklahoma City – July 26-27

The 2024 Hamfest season is in full swing. The Oklahoma City Hamfest, Ham Holiday, will be July 26-27, 2024. Tickets are available online at https://hamholiday.com/tix/. Don’t forget this year’s special Yaesu FTDX10 Operating Package. Everything you need to operate on phone, CW, and digital (except a computer<G>.) Tickets are only $20, and only 300 will be sold. Buy yours today at https://hamholiday.com/raffle/.

ARES Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is rolling through another storm season. More information is available online at https://aresok.org/. Log in and verify your contact information and training profile by clicking on your name in the upper right. ECs, you now have a way to download your county data in a CSV file from the reports menu.

de N5HZR — 73, Mark